Twenty years after

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I wrote this in one hour lol. Also in my head, that one Creek episode in ttbgo doesn't exist.

Poppy: Twenty years ago today, King Peppy made us safe... and now every Troll is free to be happy and live in perfect... (SINGING) ♪ Harmony... Harmony... Harmony... ♪ And that's why we hug every hour.

"Every hour sounds a bit much." Delta cringed.

"Tell me about it." Barb adds "Do you do it at night time too? Like, what if your bracelet starts ringing in the middle of the night?"

"Oh no, it doesn't ring at night but it starts again at 9am."

[I made that up]

"Righttt I get it now."

Poppy: Yep.

:I wish it was every half hour.

"Believe me kid, you do not want that."

"For real. You need time to do other stuff too. Like, taking a nap."

"Or eat your favourite snacks."

"Or build pillow forts with all your friends."

"OR JUMP OFF A VOLCANO WHILE DOING A GUITAR SOLO!" Yelled Barb while playing air guitar.

"I do that every week, best thing EVER." Said a random rock troll.

Poppy: So do I. But that wouldn't leave much time for singing and dancing, now would it?

"That wasn't what I was thinking but I guess it works too."

:Princess Poppy, do the Bergens still want to eat us?

Poppy: You bet! (ALL GASP) But just because it's the only way they'll ever be happy.

:(SLURPS) Oh, no. I do taste delicious.

:Isn't there anything else to make them happy?

:Ooh. What about having birthday parties?

"I love birthday parties." said a funk troll "Only when others host it for me, if I do it myself it just feels like I'm begging for attention."

"...Are you okay? Do you need to talk to someone?"

"Oh no! I'm good, thanks."

:Or slumber parties?

"Or buying things for yourself every week. Your bank account might suffer but at least it'll make you happy for a few days."

:Or staring at your parents while they sleep.

"...that works too I guess..."


:But I don't want to be food.

Poppy: Don't worry. No Troll will ever be.

"Never ever again."

Poppy: And that's why we're celebrating with the biggest party ever.

"Oh yeahhhh, biggest, loudest party ever... that's a good idea. They'll definitely won't HEAR YOU."

"Hey! I've learned my lesson..."

Poppy: Everybody's gonna be there.


Poppy: Everybody.

"Except Branch." Said Smidge, teasingly. Branch looked away nervously.

"Hey now.. don't expose me like this."

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