Ch 3

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Alright, Who am i kidding? That question came out of the blue and she probably thinks i'm weird now doesn't she?

I lifted up my head to see Nari's reaction, but her face stayed serious, i didn't even recieve any emotions or a single twitch from her face. I lowered my head right down onto the table.

I messed up.

Nari tapped my shoulder. "I haven't responded" She said.

"You didn't need to" I struggled as i spoke my final words to her. I am now hiding, out of embarrassment and shame.

"I'm bisexual" She said.

What? What did she just say? Did i hear that wrong? Or is my mind playing hallucinations to get myself away from the embarrassment?

I lifted my head up slowly and looked at her. "You're.. Bisexual?" I confirmed.

Nari nods.

Oh my gosh. She's bisexual. So.. That means my suspicions aren't just bullcrap. It's confirmed. Nari definitely likes Hana.

"Do you like someone now?" I asked expecting for her to say Hana, or at least something.

She stared at me for a moment and then questioned me. "Why would you want to know? Are you interested in me?"

"uhh no??" i replied as i screamed internally. How did she just manage to say that so casually. It's almost as if she's flirting with me.

And then my eyes widened. For the first time, i saw Nari snicker abit but stopped almost immediately. "It was a joke" She said with that straight face again.

What really surprised me was the way she had casually just joked with me like that. In the past, Nari would have given me a cold glare everytime we crossed paths. So what exactly was different this time?

( After Class )

Nari and I talked as we walked out of Class together, and the moment i looked forward, I saw Ji Won giving me 'that look'.

Ji Won grabbed my wrist and spoke.
"Hey! Sorry for the sudden intrusion but i need to borrow Seol Hwa for a while, is that fine?" she asked, with a perfectly polite tone.

It's almost Insane how well and fast she could switch up her personalities. If i had to describe Ji Won with a word, i'd say she's a snake.

Nari nodded and Ji Won dragged me away.

"What's up with you? You're acting quite differently nowadays. Don't cross the line, You know who holds the authority over you at home." She said.

This time, she hadn't resulted to any violence as Nari was watching us from quite some distance away, and with this, Ji Won has to also act like she's having a nice conversation with me.

But at this moment. Something in me just.. Snapped.

"The both of you are pathetic." i said, head down.

"What?" She asked, not for me to repeat, but for me to change my answer.

"Are you deaf? I said you and mother are both pathetic."

And before i know it, i got my makeup ruined. With the way that snake had splashed water at me with all's left in her bottle.

Is she Insane? Nari's right there.
And sure enough, I heard footsteps rushing over.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
Two voices synchronising.
Both Hana and Nari, as they grabbed Ji Won's arm.

"Ah." Ji won said, smiling. I expected that snake to be anxious but she calmly looked at them and replied.

"Seol Hwa and I were playing a game, isn't that so?" She said as she turned to me and stared me down.

I took a deep breath and then replied. "Yeah, we were just having fun."

"See? I'm leaving now" She said with a big grin.

Now, I know why Nari would be here, but why is Hana here too?

"Are you okay??" They said at the same time, yet again.

"Fuck. Stop copying me bitch" Hana said grabbing Nari's collar.

"You have to stop this possessive habit of yours~ She might just get scared off just like all the others."  Nari replied, smirking. She did not even show a hint of hesitation.

What.. was going on? I thought. Nari liked Hana?

"Nari, Shut up. Right NOW." Hana said in a stern tone, as she raised her voice.

"Should i tell her about Min Ri?" Nari said as she grabbed Hana's arm which was grabbing her collar.

I looked at them both in confusion but when i saw Hana face, she looked like she had seen a ghost. And then she released Nari, causing her to fall to the ground. Then she grabbed my arm.

"Seol Hwa, Let's go." She said with tears in her eyes.

Woah. Why did she look even much more beautiful at that moment? Hana has never cried, with me - That previous life.
No. Seol Hwa, snap out of it. She betrayed you, and who knows whether she would do that again?

"What about Nari?" i looked at Nari with concern about any injuries she had when she fell.

"Please. Let's go" She cried as she tugged my arm harder.

I then went with her as she dragged my arm and i looked back at Nari worriedly.

We walked back to the insides of the campus as i had left something behind when Ji Won took me away.

"Hey everyone, look! The lesbians!" Ji Won announced as people stared at my ruined look and Hana dragging me by my arm.

"What? No!" Hana retorted.

"Dear Diary, Seol Hwa is so gorgeous. She's totally my type, i really hope she'd like me one day" Ji Won read out from a purple book with cute stickers decorations over.. and with Hana's name.

Wait. What? Hana.. Likes me? What. That can't be true.

I turned to look at Hana and she had turned pale and immediately released my arm. She ran towards Ji Won and snatched the book away.

"You bitch." She said as she glared at Ji Won, almost about to hit her as she raised her arm.

Ji Won grabbed her arm in time and then looked at everyone else and then spoke. As if she was doing some presidential speech.

"The lesbian is getting mad. What should i do?" she said as she pouted.

I looked around for the reactions. The guys were laughing hysterically and shooting weird looks at both Hana and I. While on the other hand, The girls were split into half. Half of them seemed to feel bad for us, while the other half, seemed to take an neutral stance.

"You don't have proof i wrote that." Hana said.

"Isn't your reaction already proof?" Ji Won exclaimed as she started laughing hysterically.

"STOP!" i shouted as i seperated the both of them.

Ji Won whispered into my ear and said as soft as possible.
"You're going to regret going against me."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2023 ⏰

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