First Day

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I proudly Dedicate this chapter to taubra and other readers for your help and votes.

I laid on my bed with my eyes wide open, fantasizing about all the things that we could do. I hugged my pillow tight as I made romantic scenes up in my love-sick mind. Trust me I could really dream. At times I couldn't even distinguish reality from fantasy.

In the midst of my sleep, I felt a strange warmth beside me. I groggily opened my eyes, only to find myself staring straight into her captivating face.

I hugged and kissed her, holding her body in my arms. I was beyond estastic that she was here. I closed my eyes to savour the moment and opened them just to see my pillow.

Great, now I was dreaming about her. I couldn't get her off my mind.

Dreaming about her was incredibly lovely. It meant that my mind had come to terms with my heart- thats a good start.

The Sun was already up and it bright morning rays streamed in through the curtains.

Today was my first day in school and I was already late. I prepared so fast and got downstairs in like 5 'harry minutes'-approximately 30 human minutes.

When I got there the hallway was empty except for another girl in a hood - apparently she was also late. I doubled me steps to catch up with her.

Aroya was a BIG school and the map didn't even make any sense to my brain.

"Hey!" I called out. She looked back dramatically- like slow motion. And then I quickly run to catch up. I didn't really see every bit of her beauty but her face was nice and she wore glasses which magnified the beauty of her eyeball.

"Can you help me get to my class? I have history this morning."

"It's Mr. Jay right? Go straight three classes from here and turn right and enter."

" Thank you, I am Harry by the way."

"OKAY?" she said sarcastically and started walking.

'Go straight three classes and .......'

I tried to recall what she said but it was sketchy. I just entered the next class and there was a class in progress, everyone turned their attention to me. I stood there not knowing what to do realizing I was lost in a literature class.

A middle age man with bald hair and reading glasses looked at me pushing his glasses down his nose and asked "Are you lost?"

"Yeah I am supposed to be having History with Mr. Jameson."

"Oh Okay, Christabel do you mind taking this 'fine gentleman' here to Mr. Jay's class," I heard some guys make funny sounds at the mention of of 'fine gentleman'.

A short beautiful young girl got up from her seat and led me out of the class. She was in short skirts and some cool sneakers. She walked like a model, wiggling her waist as she walked ahead of me.

"Hello you are Christabel, right," I said slowly trying not to stutter

"Yeah Captain Obvious" She replied flatly. Was I supposed to be offended? She shot a smile at me and continued, "you know I was joking right?"

"Not sure, anyway you can call me Harry."

"Okay Harry, this is your class," she said pointing at the door.

I twisted the door nob, the door creaked open and I entered.

The teacher, whom I suppose was Mr. Jay, was standing behind a big map. He gave me a broad smile and asked, "You must be Mr. Welbeck right?"

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