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I am very sorry for the late update. I hope you enjoy reading

She meant everything to me, I won't trade her for even the world. I couldn't let my mind imagine losing her.

I've endured losing a living Dad, now the only people that mattered most to me were my mom and sister. I cannot live with losing any of them.

It was almost as if the world had stopped, the rain drops suspending and sound went mute. I was drowning in tears.

Her whisper broke the silence and cast the world back into motion "Harry?"

Her gaze was fixed on somewhere in the rain. I followed her gaze but all I could see was blurry, for my tears were thick and scarlet.

I wiped out the tears of my eyes and shouted her name, "Lilly!"

"Harry!" I heard instead of the drumming of the rain. I ran into the rain and saw her in a phone booth. I pulled into a tight hug her and kissed her on the forehead.

I thought I had lost her.

We went back to where Resse was. I held her hand so tightly, as tears gushed out my tear gland. All my attention was on her I almost forgot about Resse until she coughed.

"Harry who's this?" Lilly asked with a shaking voice - she was shivering.

"Ummm.... She's..."
I struggled for a position for Reese.

"Heey I am Resse, I guess you are Harry's lovely sister," Reese cut in, saving me the trouble.

Lilly looked up at me and smiled, revealing those cute dimples.

"Can I call you Lilly?"

"Umm? Ya?"

Resse stretched out her arms and Lilly held it. They were getting along fine.

"Harry, my mum is outside in the car, let's go join her." We all walked to the car with Lilly holding my hand and Resse's.

After greeting and exchanging pleasantries, the rest of the ride was in silence. Her breath was shaky and she was feeling cold.

My mind drifted back to Lilly's school. I took her hands into mine and she rested her head on me.

The car finally stopped at Resse's house and her mom explained that we would wait there until the rain subsided then she'd drive us home.

When we got there Reese and Lilly went to Reese's room and I was left alone in the hall. The hall was well organized with beautiful furniture, so I decided to look around. As I stood in the lobby I noticed a brightly colored door with designs. I wondered what was behind it.

The door swung open and a middle aged man wearing an apron which was stained with paint invited me in. We had a brief introduction and I realized it led to an art studio and Reese's father was an artist.

Fortunately for us, I wasn't bored by art, he showed me around and I saw some of his beautiful paintings. They were all beautiful but one of them captured my attention- it looked simple but to me it told a story. I moved even closer and admired it more.

It was the hands of an old married couple and they were walking on a path, the sun shone in the distance. Their hands were wrinkled and their rings stood out - it was a story of lasting love.

I felt his touch on my shoulder " That's my favorite too, I spent a lot of hours coming up with that," he paused for a moment, "and when I finished I had tears in my eyes."

"I wonder if there's really this kind of love anywhere."

"I am yet to find it, son," he said softly and wiped the tears that were flooding the lower lid of his eyes.

Then Reese walked in with Lilly. Lilly was wearing a new and colorful dress with designs all over it, her hair was also nicely done and she looked more beautiful and charming.

"Hi Dad," Reese greeted.

"Hey sweetie," He responded trying so hard to hide his emotions and tears.

"Mom and I are going to drop Harry and Lilly before it gets dark."

"Alright take care, hun."

He turned to me and gave me a firm hand shake, "Take care of her, please don't hurt her, I've not seen her this happy in a long time."

I was overwhelmed by his trust in me and openness, I smiled back at him and when I was about to leave he said, "And you can pass by later so that we can talk and paint."

"I appreciate your hospitality, sir."

We got home when it was getting dark. My mom was worried about us. She opened the door and hugged Lilly and I . After what felt like minutes of hugging and sobbing with relief and joy she realized we had company. She invited them in.

"Lemme guess," she said, "this is the sweet-voiced Resse I heard on phone, right?"

Reese responded with a cute blush and a gracious smile.

From their interaction it seemed as if she had met Reese's mom at the community pottery club.

I went upstairs and changed into something warm and quickly joined them.

When I got there my mom had treated them to hot tea and left with Reese's mom to the garage where she had her pottery.

I went to sit close to Reese on the couch "Hey thank you very much okay? For the dress and the ride... and your friendship," I managed to say after a pause.

"C'mmon it's cool, besides I don't even wear them anymore, they are small on me, so it's cool."

She intertwined her fingers in mine and laid her head on my shoulders. It felt so warm and cozy. Then we sat enjoying each other's warmth and company.

Lilly came out some few minutes later and hopped onto the couch by my side . I put my hands around her and she even came closer. I remembered what Reese's father said and I squeezed her hand softly.

For that moment I felt responsible and mature. Reese relaxed even closing her eyes.

When our parents walked out, they looked at each other and smiled at us, as if admiring a beautiful portrait that was before them.

I whispered to Reese and she got up. We escorted them to their car outside and Reese hugged Lilly making me wish to be in Lily's place.

But all I could do was smile and wave my hands at them when their car drove away. When I went back inside, my mom looked at me with a huge grin on her face, which I ignored and sent Lilly to bed. I rushed to my room and jumped into bed only to fantasize about that moment when we held hands- I regretted not making the best out of that it.

My phone beeped, ending my fantasy, I reached for it immediately but to my surprised there was a message from an unknown number. I sat up in my bed, there was no doubt at all that this wasn't a dream.

Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Your previous comments were the secret to my motivation for this chapter.

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