The Call

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Today, unlike any other day, I arrived in school early. But because I lost my "world"- my thoughts pad. It might seem insignificant but it was really important. I was in a bad mood, the smiles of yesterday had deserted me today. I walked face down, watching my steps and sorrowing within.

"Hello," I heard a familiar voice so I looked up and guess who it was? It was Arch's girl f-... I mean the girl I bumped into yesterday.

"Hi," I replied, forcing a smile.

"I think this belongs to you," she said handing out the book to me.

This time I didn't have to force a smile, rather a suspicious smile run across my lips, questions racing through the track of my brain: how did she get it? Did she peer to see what was inside it?

"You dropped it yesterday and I mistakenly added it to my books," I was still looking at her waiting for answers to questions I alone knew of
"And I loved every bit of poetry and genuine words there, you did great work there," she continued shyly.

"God knows I try," I modestly accepted the praise, "thank you anyway."

"Do you mind helping me?" she asked.

"umm" I said blankly.

"oh it is on a song challenge I took," she continued.

"I'll try," ignoring the fact that I had no experience with that kind of stuff though, "I will be a fool to reject an offer from such a beautiful girl."

She smiled charmingly and started blushing, "you sound so cool, may I have your number?"

At this point I was so carried away so I thought to myself: this is the scene where you act all-cool, don't mess it up.

"Oh you can call me at any time I am number one," I winked at her – hoping that line was cool enough.

Her laughs and giggles were all over the place, she hit me softly and said, "you are funny."

"Or you can have my card," I searched my bag and found a sheet of paper and penned my number there for her.

She stood there smiling admiringly at me, this very time she made me so shy so I looked away.

"See ya later," she said walking away.

My day had taken on a complete revolution. I walked majestically to the class with my smile restored to my face, enjoying how people looked at me from all angles of the hallway.

The minutes ticked faster, the bell was sounded, signaling the end of school.

I joined the long queue of couples trying to make their way out of the school. I took a deep breathe of fresh air when I was outside in the parking lot. I looked around and spotted Reese.

I slowly went behind her and tapped her shoulders. Without even turning her head she called my name.

"Were you expecting me all along?" I said with annoyed tone.

"Hell no," she played along, "I knew it was you because you were creeping on me."

"Where have you been all day?" I asked.

"Spying on you," she replied sarcastically with a pinch of honesty.

"Oh great, so what were some of your findings?" I played along.

"1. You and Alexis are making connections real fast 2. And..."

I interrupted, "uh? Who told you that?" now I exited the acting mode and became serious.

"Everyone talks about it, Alexis and the new guy are all over the place, I think it should be number one on the gossip project."

"No we will find another story, a better one" I was so confused at that.

"aye aye Captain I will be waiting" she replied jokingly.

After like a minute of contemplating she protested we should use that story.

"But it is not even true, it is just a rumour" I tried convincing her.

"Well, we do not know how true a rumour is until time does its magic" she smiled evily at me.

After series of questions, answers and protests I realised that it wasn't going to help so I finally said " what can I do so that you drop this story?"

She stood there gazing into the clouds for a moment and thinking of what to ask. Final she shrugged "just prove the truth you talk about and ....." just as she was talking my phone buzzed

"Excuse me" I said and looked at the screen and guess who? It was Alex. I put the phone away and looking to the ground I wondered what Resse was going to think of me if she knew who was calling. This moment of my life brought discomfort.

Resse cleared her throat after a weird moment of silence. "Is everything fine?, who was calling?" she raised her brows in curiousity. It wasn't my intention to tell her lies -not even this time.I took in a deep breath and answered with all sincerity "It's fine"- was it really fine?

I knew very well that "it's fine" wasn't enough to satisfy her curiousity.

She persisted "who called?" and this time all I could do was scratch my head and weigh my options. I looked so confused and cornered.

My phone buzzed again and without any hesistation she took my hand and looked at the screen.

She grinned "who's being a bad boy?"

My secrets- (not a secret) are out, there is no need to prove any point.

I endured the heavy guilt, She threathened to answer the call if I wasn't ready to- well I considered it a bluff.

No sooner were my doubt clarified. "Hello" she said into the phone with a soft voice "this is Resse".

"Nice meeting you Resse," the voice from the phone echoed "can I speak to Harry?"Resse handed the phone over to me.

I reluctantly held it up to my ear and heard the farmiliar voice, "Can you pick up your sister from school?" my mum said, "I am locked up in traffic."

Heaps of joy and relief started swelling in my inside, "Yeah, sure I will," the ice inside me melted away.

Beep Beep. "Call ended". My outlook took on a complete change and my guilt pouch was leaking out joyfully, my mum had saved the day. Smiles took the better part of my face , confused was my audience, Resse, perhaps she was wondering why is he happy all of a sudden? Why did he not want to answer?.-(Well that's for me to know and you to figure out). I shot a curvy smile at her, she couldn't resist the smile, then slowly there was this adorable curve across her beautiful face.

"I've got to pick my sister up from school, I can't join you today."

There was a silent moment as if she was processing the algorithms of my language, then suddenly questions started raining :You have a sister?,How old is she?, Can I see her? What......?,How ........?Which.....?

After answering the first episodes of questions, endless series were opened. I found my body sailing away as I waved at her.

"Can I go with you?" This was a question I couldn't refuse. But..We got to my sister's school inspite of the heavy rain. The school was virtually empty.

I shouted her name on top of the noisy drumming of the rain. All I heard in response was silence and the shivery breathe of Reese.

Tears began to fill my eyes, adrenaline sailed to my heart with the thought that I had lost her- my sweet imp.

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