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"SPECK? SPECK wait!"

Heralding the opposite side of the jungle marched Riptide and his fleeing little brother, Speck. At least to Riptide he looked the part; the storming thuds and whipping white tail made it appear as if the younger spinosaur wanted nothing to do with his brother. And he was right.

Nevermind the injuries from his and Fossil's duel, Speck simply wanted to be alone. His emotions were wavering on the edge of his sanity, and every time a drop tipped his chalice of life, fresh tears would surge at the base of his eyes. And, for a 'brute' whose emotions dictate everything, that was something he couldn't risk Riptide seeing.

"Just — ugh!" Riptide growled, whacking away a branch that slapped into his face before proceeding on. "Speck! Talk to me!"

Speck briefly peeked an eye over his thorny sail, examining the green scaly form of his brother driving past the shifting conifers and back on his tail. He would not quit! So the male darted off the road, quickly maneuvering around several uprooted rocks and under enough low-hanging trees to trap a long-neck in place. He knew no longsnout wouldn't adhere to a path too thick for their sail and face to fit through. And, with the pointed rocks protruding out from the unleveled soil, it would surely leave a mark for his unwanted guest.

He knew Riptide was not that desperate, anyway; a word or two wouldn't matter hours from now, and it shouldn't in anyone's eyes. Nor would this be a caring matter. Speck figured all Riptide wanted was to prove that his actions were well and just. That, through and through, he was the bigger brother because he was there to 'mend his sorrows'.

Speck quickly snarled under his breath. Nothing has ever been that way since Able died.

Once at the base of the small hill, the youngster skidded to a halt and peeked behind him. It didn't look like anything followed. Where the longsnout ran erected a fresh line that split the shrubbery in two, and left a few scraps of loose scales, but nothing more. He waited a little while longer, studying the foliage to ensure his word before exhaling in relief. At long last, Fate had left Speck alone to relieve himself of—


Speck whirled back around, and his soul plummeted. Just as he feared; an exhausted-looking Riptide stood proudly before him, grinning from fin to fin. His body rocked about, knocking off leaves and earthen meat that smothered his dear face. "W-Wow," he then chortled, out of breath. "You... are faster than I thought..."

Nothing but a grunt was all Speck uttered. He wasn't interested in talking and was already whirling back around to head back the way he came.

"You know I will not stop following you." The older longsnout grunted aloud, deliberately stalking after Speck's bobbing tail. "How else am I supposed to check up on my little brother?"

Speck's legs suddenly buckled; the spotted male staggered forward with a surprised grunt, claws wavering out to hold his footing. That pain he ignored, the one blow by Fossil that touched his abdomen, was growing. Confused, the youngster stumbled into a tree, hissing aloud as he struggled to reorient himself. His eyes shut, both nares flared in desperation for air, and his teeth bared outward as if trying to fend off an invisible foe. It wasn't working. But, just before he could greet the earth, his brother's darkened shape slipped over his neck, catching him by the bulk of his front teeth.

"W-Woah, easy," Riptide growled, easing Speck to the earth. His nostrils contracted, sniffing an all-too familiar scent of liquid metal running down the youngster's legs. The carnivore's eyes widened. "By the stars... I didn't realize he did a number on you. Here..." He slapped the ground with the fin of his tail. "Lay down for me. I'll fix you up."

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