Chapter 1: First Day

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Author's Note: I just want to say that if you see anything wrong in the story like typos and stuff, please tell me. I do all my writing either really late a night or really early in the morning, and I don't usually double check it. I hope you enjoy! Peace!
-Lance Corporal Emma

(h/l) = hair length
(h/c) = hair colour
(s/c) = shirt/sweatshirt colour
(t/c) = tank top/ T-shirt colour
(d/n) = dog name
(f/n) = first name
(l/n) = last name
(hi/he) = him or her
You're welcome, Emma!
-Lance Corporal Lacy

*Reader's POV*

"The new girl on the first day of high school..." I sighed as I brushed my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I put on my (s/c) sweatshirt over my (t/c) tank top. I pulled on my skinny jeans and my converse tennis shoes. I rushed into my kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. My dog (d/n) came to greet me. "Good morning, (d/n)!" I gave (hi/he) a scratch behind the ear and finished off my bowl of cereal. I grabbed my bookbag and rushed out the door. "Crap, I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry up!" I said to myself, looking at the time on my phone. I was running down the sidewalk, looking at my phone, when I ran into someone. Literally! I fell to the ground, my phone falling into the grass to my side. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" A brown haired boy said, reaching out his hand to me. I took his hand and he helped me up. "I-it wasn't your fault. I wasn't paying attention. I'm very sorry!" I then bowed, feeling quite embarrassed. "I-it's fine." He said, he looked like he was blushing a bit. "Oh, I'm Eren Yeager. Nice to meet you." He then said, smiling at me. "I'm (f/n) (l/n). The pleasure is all mine." I then smiled back at him. "Oh, shit. My phone!" I accidentally yelled. I started frantically looking around everywhere. "Is that it over there?" Eren asked, pointing to my phone in the grass. "Yes, it is! Thank you!" I said as I ran over and picked it up. It was a bit dirty, so I wiped it on my pants and began running toward the school again. I turned around a bit, and waved a Eren. "Thanks for all your help! I hope to see you again!" And I turned the corner at the Starbucks on the block. 'He seemed nice. I wonder what year he is?' I thought as I ran down the street toward the school.

I arrived at the front of the school a few minutes later. "Finally," I huffed, my hands were on my knees and I was panting like a dog in the summertime. I walked into the school, still panting. I pulled my schedule out of my pocket and looked for my homeroom number. 'Room #37, class 1-B' I thought as I looked at the numbers on all the rooms. '#32, #33, #34, #35, #36...' "Aha! #37!" I exclaimed, feeling victorious. "(f/n)! You're 1-B too?" A familiar voice said, and I turned around to see Eren. "Hi, Eren!" I said with a smile. I was really happy to already have a friend, especially one that's in my class. Two people walked up behind him. A blonde boy with a lot of books, and a black haired girl with a red scarf. "Oh, yeah. These are my friends, Armin and Mikasa." "Hi!" Armin said, smiling at me. "Hi." Mikasa said plainly. I don't think she's much of a talker. "Hi! I'm (f/n) (l/n)!" I said, warmly smiling at them. I have made more friends in the last thirty minutes than I have in two years! "We should get into class, Eren." Mikasa muttered, nudging Eren a bit. "Oh, yeah." He chuckled and we all walked into class. "Sit wherever you'd like, kids." The teacher said, he didn't seem very enthusiastic. I sat next to Eren on the left, and Mikasa sat on his right. Armin sat next to Mikasa. Then, a black haired boy sat next to me. He seemed very expressionless, but he was actually very handsome. I turned my attention away from him and pulled out a book.

I started reading, but I suddenly felt two pairs of eyes piercing me in the back. 'I'll just ignore it.' I thought and continued to read my book until class started. "Hello, I'm your teacher,
Mr. Brown. These seats you chose will be your permanent seats all year. Now, we'll begin class." The teacher said, and we started class.

*Time Skip to the End of the Day*

"(y/n)! Wait up!" Eren yelled, running up behind me. "Wanna walk home together?" He asked, he was panting a bit. "Sure," I replied, feeling happy that I have a good friend like him.

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