Chapter 8: Storms Are Scary..

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Hey guys!! No homework this weekend, so I can't write some more!! Yay! Sorry that the last chapter sucked and was really short. I wrote it while waiting for my blankets, so I was hurrying a bit. This one will be pretty long, (hopefully) and will be a bit of Levi x Reader more that anything.
So, I hope you enjoy! Peace! ✌️
-Lance Corporal Emma


Reader's POV

I walked into the bathroom and locked the door. 'Omigod that was so embarrassing I really hope she didn't have her contacts in..' I could feel a wave of heat brushing over my face, leaving it a bright red. 'I guess we'll just hang out and act normal the rest of the day..' I thought, and sighed a sigh of both relief and disappointment. I walked out of the bathroom, and sat back down next to Eren.

*Time skip to 3:00 AM, brought to you by Jurassic Park.*

I was awoken by the sounds of thunder and rain pouring on the roof. "Stupid storms..." I mumbled as I walked out of my room. I walked down the hall and headed toward the couch. Then, I walked past the mirror, and lightning flashed in the corner of my sight. "JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled, and punched the mirror. The glass almost completely shattered. There was glass stuck in my hand, and blood everywhere. "Shit, towel.. Gotta get a towel or something..." I scrambled around trying to find something to stop the bleeding. Then, Levi walked into the dining room. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Oh, God. You're bleeding. Need some help?" He asked and grabbed the towel off of the counter. "Sure.." I said, and he wrapped the towel around my hand. "Thanks, Levi," I continued, "Storms are scary, huh?" And he nodded, letting out a chuckle. "Hey, do you think you could help me get the glass out of my hand before we do anything else?" I laughed, wincing as he unwrapped the towel. "Yeah, sorry. Wait, why is there glass in your hand?" "I punched a mirror. And, I'm pretty sure I won that battle, just so you know." I laughed, and he started pulling the glass out of my hand. "Your an idiot, you know? Good thing you're cute, or you wouldn't be able to make it a day past high school." He shook his head and laughed. "Thanks, agai- ow! Hey, cut it out! That's my hand, you know!" "Yeah, yeah. Now, be quiet or you'll wake everyone up." "Then don't be so rough, you sass queen." I retorted, snickering at my own joke. "At least I'm not a Tumblr obsessed little girl." He stated, running my hand under cold water. "Whatever, you win this round, Mr. Ackerman. I'm too tired to put any effort into my comebacks." I sighed, and we continued the small talk until he was done with my hand. After that, we both went back to bed.

Levi's POV

We both walked back to our rooms, and I flopped down on my bed. 'Storms and mirrors..' I thought, 'She really is a little girl, but I still like her..' I smiled at the though of her snuggled in my arms. I was stroking her hair, comforting her nerves. 'Like that'll ever happen.' I thought, and smacked my hand on my forehead. Then, I remembered the little keychain I had gotten her when I went out today. I grabbed it off or the side table and smiled at it. It was a little plushee TARDIS (From Doctor Who). I drifted off into the bliss of slumber, wondering how she'd react to the little gift.


That was shorter than I wanted, but I think it's a good ending point. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you all tomorrow (hopefully). So, peace! ✌️
-Lance Corporal Emma

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