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Zoe's POV

"Come on. We should check the bedroom and see if there are clothes" said Ryker as he pulled me away from my thoughts. Ryker follows me into the bedroom. Heats sears from the top of my spine down the back of my legs as I feel Ryker's gaze from behind me. Ryker sifts through some clean clothes in a trunk in the corner. "Our best option is to dress like the dragon hunters and blend in until we're off human land" said Ryker grabbing a few cloths in his hand.

"I have no idea where we are, so I don't know how long that will be," he said as he continued. He tosses me a few outfits that look like what a hunter would wear. Then he unbuttons his pants. "What are you doing?" I said to him, "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm changing. Nothing to be shy about" Ryker says. It never occurred to me that I'd have to change in front of him too. "In case you forgot, we're chained together. We need to get out of here in a hurry" he said to me. I look down at the clothes and contemplate my options.

I have none and Ryker knows it. "If you are worried about your virtue, I'd never touch a black sun dragon," he said. "I'd never let you touch me even if you wanted to," I said glaring at him. Ryker smirks and eyes me like a predator tracking its prey. His stormy blue eyes narrow on my lips before moving to the rise and fall of my chest. "If I decide I want you, I'll have you. So let's hope that day never comes" he said unfazed but clearly. He was telling me the truth.

"Oh, you already want me," I say, teasing him. Ryker grabs the chain and pulls me hard against him. "No one in their right mind wants a black sun dragon. It's why you had an arranged marriage" he said, narrowing his eyes. Ryker slowly leans in his lips inches from mine. "Just wait. You're going to beg me to take you" he said, teasing me back. "I'll die before I beg you for anything" I say with a harsh tone. "That works for me too," he says with a light chuckle.

Dismissing me Ryker takes down his pants standing naked before me like a dragon god. Before I can look away my eyes focus on his very large cock. "Hurry up Zoe, the longer we stay in one place the more danger we're in" said Ryker. He knows he rattled me and of course he likes it. I was just caught staring. Since I didn't want the same outcome I asked Ryder to turn around so that I could undress. I eye the clothes and look at Ryker. He tilts his head with a smirk.

He was enjoying my inner battle. "Do you always take this long to decide what to wear?" asked Ryker. I narrowed my eyes on him. "You act like there aren't hunters all around this territory ready to kill us" he says. "I took longer cleaning your bullet wound" I replied. He just rolls his eyes. "Maybe I should have pressed harder when I wrapped it," I said truthfully. "You could have. I already told you pain doesn't phase me" Ryker says. He quickly pulls on a pair of pants.

Then he looks at me with a raised brow. "So, I'm not shy or modest but I want you to turn around" I said not taking a no from him. "You're still my enemy" I said proving a point why. "I'm not sure why that matters but I'll turn around" he said. With a sigh Ryker gives me his back. I take off my wedding dress. To blend in with the hunters I want to wear an outfit fit for a human.
I quickly get dressed. Ryker eyes me up and down critically. "Oh, that's perfect. No one should question if you're a dragon" said Ryker pleased. Ryker wraps the chain around his wrist and I do the same. Hiding it in both of our sleeves. "Right now our sleeves are hiding our chains. Whatever you do, stay holding my hand" says Ryker. He searches the drawers and finds two small knives. He hands one to me and I hide it in my boot.

We leave the cabin and run until we get to the edge of a small town. "Damn, that's the hunters main town. The only way to dragon territory is to sneak through it undetected" says Ryker. "Sneak through? No dragon ever made it out of hunter land alive" I said. "Who are you?" asked a hunter. Dread fills my stomach as three hunters walk out from behind the trees. Ryker leans in and whispers to me. "Don't speak to them or look directly at them."

"Hunters treat their women like slaves so you need to act subservient" whispers Ryker. "I'll be subservient as long as you don't tell me what to do" I whisper back. "Zoe, if they don't think I own you they're going to take one look at your face and challenge me for you" says Ryker. The hunters stop towards us. Ryker tightened his hold on my hand carefully to keep our chains hidden. "I asked you a question. Who the hell are you?" said hunter.

I instantly replay Ryker's words in my mind. I act submissive and keep my eyes on the ground. I lower my eyes quickly. I decided to let Ryker do the talking. "We're dragon hunters like you. We had some dragons trying to capture us a while back" Ryker said to the hunters. "Who's wrench is this?" asked the hunter. The man's obvious appraisal of my body raises my hackles.

I glower at him ready to claw his eyes out when I'm shoved down to my knees. "Excuse my wife. She's a spirited little thing" said Ryker. His fingers dig into my hair hauling my head back to meet his gaze. I hated what was going on but Ryker seemed to play his part right. "But you'll obey now, won't you?" Ryker says as he looks down at me. This plan was ridiculous right?

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