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Zoe's POV

I look around at the four dead hunters on the ground. The fifth hunter is injured but not dead yet. "Kill him Zoe. Otherwise as soon as we leave here he's going to have us tortured" said Ryker. "Hell yes I'm going to have you tortured" he spats back. The man moves towards a gun. Before he can get the shot off I take my knives and throw two at him. He falls back to the ground dead. "Don't worry about the bodies. A group of humans killing each other over a dispute won't surprise anyone" said Ryker. I nod my head in understanding.

"Come on. We need to find a safe place to sleep tonight. It's been two days since we've gotten any rest" said Ryker. After walking all day me and Ryker finally made it to the other end of the town. As we walk towards the inn to get a room I overhear a group of hunters cheering. "The black sun dragon leader is dead. Too bad it wasn't us who killed him" said a drunk hunter. "No" I said shakingly. My father can't be dead. The breath leaves my body and my legs begin to shake.

Ryker takes my clasped hands and moves them to rest behind my back. Pulling me closer to him he whispers to me. "You must keep your cool." "I hate to give those Demon dragons any credit but I don't mind if they keep killing each other off" said the drunken man. Demon dragons? That's Ryker's flight. My whole body shakes as if ready to explode. Hot tears threaten to fall. Ryker's intense stare burns into me silently, willing me to stay calm. The group turns to me with a collective glare.

"What? You aren't glad the black sun lord who has slaughtered thousands of humans is dead?" askes the drunk hunter. Even though I try with all of my might a tear slips down my cheek. "My god? Are you grieving for a dragon?" asks the hunters. My heart is slowly breaking and I am unable to speak. "No, my wife hates all dragons," says Ryker. "Dragons killed her family so she's upset that we hunters didn't kill the dragon lord and get his body" sayd Ryker. The group nods, seeming to understand my outburst. At this point I couldn't care.

Ryker holds me close as he leads me inside the inn. As soon as we get into our room all of the anger I've been holding back rips through me. My eyes glow with fury when I turn them to Ryker. "Asshole, How could you not tell me there was a plan to kill my father?" I growl at him. I lunge at him clawing at his chest. He grabs me and wrestles me to the bed. "Zoe, calm down, I didn't kill your father" said Ryker. "Lair your flight would've had the murder planned for weeks in order to pull it off" I say with tears burning my vision. More angry tears spill down my cheeks.

I don't even care anymore. I flip him off me and pound his chest with all my might. Ryker roughly grabs my wrists turning me so my back is to his chest. He wraps his arms around me holding me close. "I didn't know there was a plan to kill your father. I swear Zoe" said Ryker calmly. I try to fight back but Ryker's too strong. Going limp against him my anger is replaced with sadness. He holds me tighter cocooning me in his strength as heavy sobs wrack my body.

I accept his comfort and lean into him. I hold him close enjoying the feel of being in his arms. A few minutes later your tears subside. I take a few deep breaths but Ryker shrill doesn't let go of me. I'm surprised how relaxed I feel in his arms. It must be from me not getting any sleep for two days. I sit up and Ryker sits next to me. I ignore the heat that sears from where our thighs touch each other. "Did you really not know about the plan to kill my father?" I asked Ryker. "As far as I know there was no plan to kill your father but I would have given the order if I had the chance" he says.

He looks like he wants to say more but stops himself and looks away. I reach over and grasp his stubborn chin forcing him to look back at me. "Don't do that, Don't shut down. I know you have something to say" I tell him. He grabs my wrist holding it to his chest. "There was a plan in place but it was to kidnap you, not your father" said Ryker. "Kidnap me because the plan with my mother went so well" I say with anger. I try to pull my arm back to hit him but he won't let it go.

"I'll tell you all if you stay calm and keep your hands to yourself" said Ryker. Seething with anger I pull my hand back to my lap and give him my full attention. "Because of how badly things went with your mother I was in charge of the mission. The plan was to wait until next week when you and your new husband were to leave for your honeymoon" said Ryker after explaining.

"And what were you going to do with me once I was kidnapped?" I ask him. "Use you to lure your dragon flight out and destroy them" said Ryker with his head hung low. "Stupid plan my father loved me but he would never sacrifice his dragon flight for me" I say with a dark laugh. "Kidnapping you would be considered a declaration of war. He'd be forced to respond" said Ryker. "You'd kill me after I was done being useful?" I asked. Ryker's jaw clenches and I hold my breath as I wait for his answer. "I was going to decide that after questioning you," said Ryker.

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