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Zoe's POV

I lightly laughed at his reply. "Give me some credit Ryker. I can take orders when I need to" I said. Ryker's large body moves closer. Raw power emanates from him. "It's more than taking orders Zoe, you need to want to serve me" he said. I get close to Ryker and press my breasts to his chest and give him a sultry look. "Oh, Ryker, I live to serve you," I said flirty. He gives me crazed eyes. "Just tell me what you want and you shall have it," I said. "That's a good start. Keep working and soon it'll be believable" said Ryker. I simply smile knowing it got to him.

He smirks back at me and starts to walk away. I grab his shirt and bring him down to me. I kiss him hard, forcing my tongue inside his mouth. Temporarily stunned it takes a moment before Ryker kisses me back. As soon as I feel him give in to me I pull back. "How believable was that for you" I said, raising a brow. I take Ryker's hand and continue walking. He eyes me but says nothing. After a long walk he asks "how's my strength?" I just didn't know yet.

"Now that the copper chains are off I feel strong enough to shift now into my dragon" he said. I take a deep breath as I feel fire run through my veins. "I can shift," I said happily. The feeling is all coming back to me. "Good we'll be able to get back to my flight house by nightfall," he said. With a roar Ryker shifts into a magnificent black dragon. Of course he had to show off. His blue eyes sparking back at me. I wouldn't dare say he was the biggest dragon I had ever seen. It might boost his ego. My blood boils and my inner dragon roars. It's been so long.

I allow my full power to course through me. I was a stunning and regal white dragon. "It feels good to shift again" I said as I shook my body. My scales are feeling so free. "It does. Now let's fly" said Ryker as he raced to the sky. Ryker flies into the air with me right behind him. A small laugh escapes me as I soar through the air. "I see you like to fly," said Ryker. "It might be my favorite thing in the world just like roller skating," I said. Ryker looks at me for a quick second. "Roller skating?" he asks me curiously. I nod my head realizing what I said. "It was what I used to do with my mother," I said. I gave him a small smile. Just as I was feeling down about her I flew faster to be in front of him.

I was taking the lead pushing myself ahead of Ryker. "Hurry up ryker it looks like that copper weakened you more than I thought" I said. Just then he flies faster but I pick up speed keeping him behind me. "You want to play?" he said with a light growl. "Only if you can keep up" I laughed delightedly. Ryker dives below me with a twist then moves ahead of me. His big wings pushed to go faster. The two of us flying through the air playfully taking turns leading each other. The smile on our faces never left as we played amongst the night sky.

A few hours later the sun is rising as we fly into Ryker's territory. We both shift back into our human forms. "My flight house is just below this cliff," said Ryker. We were out of breath and both needed to stretch our legs. I won this little race but we had to get back to our mission. "It's better if we walk in on foot so the guards don't shoot at you" He says. His hard exterior surfaces. "They're probably going to shoot at me anyway" I said. He turns to me with sharp eyes. "Zoe, I promised I'd protect you" said Ryker looking serious. I knew he wasn't playing anymore. "I'm placing my trust in you by bringing you into my flight" he said speaking like a true lord. I looked at him knowing this was his idea. "You have allies here. I don't, so how do you know you can trust me?" I said. "Because you want to regain control over your dragon flight more than you want to destroy mine for starters" he said. I laughed at "for starters". My eyes roam over Ryker's chiseled jaw and defined lips. His lips could talk down a dragon into anything.

Can I truly trust Ryker to keep me safe? "I can sense your hesitation," said Ryker. I looked at him feeling unsure. "There's no room for error here Zoe" said Ryker. I push away from Ryker and run my hands through my red hair. "I'm aware of that Ryker. I don't need a lecture" I said. I take a deep breath. Something was eating at me alive. "It's just, out here with you, It was one on one" I said as my hair was blowing in the wind. I looked to the distance for more comfort. "As soon as I step foot in your territory It'll be me against your whole flight" I said truthfully.

"No it won't Zoe" said Ryker softly. He puts his hand on my shoulder and I turn to look at him. "It will be us against my whole flight. I won't hang you out to dry" said Ryker. My heart pounds as I stare at Ryker. "I need you to trust me in the same way I'm trusting you," he said. My eyes look at him up and down. "It's important," said Ryker. "I can't just go from enemy to friend overnight" I said. "How do you expect me to depend on you?" he said. "I trust that you'll keep me alive," I said. I didn't know yet how far his word could go?

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