Chapter 9 - Midnight Swims

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Emilia Morales 

Age: 14 

Once again I found myself hiding in the shell of my room. Here I was safe. Here I was able to be whoever I wanted to be. Here I didn't have to worry about what could happen to me, well at least most of the time. Father didn't usually come here, unless he was extremely pissed at me, and then I knew it was going to be bad. Those were the times when it really hurt and I would feel a piece of my soul crumble away. 

I was twirling a dagger between my fingers, its sharp tip slightly puncturing the tip of my finger. Did I care? No. Would I care? No. This was the pain I could deal with. The kind that I could understand. I knew that when I inflicted the pain onto myself, it was for a reason. I was channeling all of my feelings into each cut. I was trying to make all of the terrifying thoughts in my head stop for a moment. I was trying to have a moment of relief. The other pain though, I didn't understand it. Why would a father want his own flesh and blood to experience so much pain? Why he would let others hurt me in unimaginable ways? Why wasn't he like the fathers of my friends? 

I go to school and there at the front gate are all of the kids leaving their cars with their parents in the front seat bidding them a good day. My arrival to school either included a silent car ride with my brother without even a single nod goodbye, or another silent car ride with someone that worked for my father where I would get a grunt as a goodbye. I know it sounds stupid. But it was those little things that meant the most to me. When any of them put in just that little amount of effort, which is the bare minimum for most families, I felt my hatred simmer down and my hope build up. Hope that maybe one day we could all be a happy, loving family. But I knew that wasn't possible, and yet in the back of my mind I still dreamt of it. 

The shine of the moon and the stars spread across the grass and trees that I could see from my window, the water from the pool seemed to be glimmering under its light. Looking at the time and seeing that it was well and truly past a time that I would be able to fall asleep and actually get any sufficient rest. I decide that I would go for a swim. At least then I wouldn't be so alone with my thoughts, I would have the water and the late night chitter of the bugs around me. Changing into a simple black bikini and covering myself with a hoodie and a pair of cotton shorts over top, I begin to pool. 

The night air has a slight chill, but I can't find it in myself to care too much about that. I strip out of my hoodie and shorts, placing them on one of the recliners, I dive into the pool, the water engulfing me into its cool solitude. I swim towards the other end under water and rise once I reach the edge. Placing my arms on top of the pool edge, I rest there, looking up at the stars, counting every single one, trying to make out some of the constellations. I sat down for a while. I didn't know how long it had been since I had ventured out of the safety of my room. I knew that the water around me was now warm and the tips of my fingers had begun to prickle and slowly turn all wrinkly, but I didn't care too much about that, it was peaceful here, and my mind wasn't being loud for once. It was then that I heard the door open and the deep rumble of a familiar voice. 

"What are you doing up so late?"

I turn around to see Sebastian walking towards the edge of the pool, he was dressed in all black clothes, which now seemed to be his signature colour. I could also see the blood littering his hands, the crimson taking over the tan shade of his skin. 

"I could ask you the same thing", I counter back as I begin swimming towards where he sat down at the edge of the pool. 

"I had some business to handle", is his answer, he then cocks his head to the side, "Well what about you, mmm? Why are you up so late?"

My arms come up to rest on the edge of the pool next Sebastian, "Couldn't sleep", I say as I look back up to the stars. 

Sebastian lets out a murmur in response and we fall into a comfortable silence. My skin slightly heating up under Sebastian's gaze, as I become acutely aware of my current lack of clothing and how he can almost see everything. It was then I felt his touch, so soft that I almost missed it. I look over to him as he brushes my hair off of my shoulder and skims the raised skin just above my collarbone. I suck in a deep breath, not only from his touch, but from where it is. 

"What happened here?", his voice is so low that it was almost unrecognisable, his face was blank but I could see the question in his eyes. 

I knew he wouldn't like, nor would my father, if I told him the truth about that particular scar. So I lied, "Training with father". It wasn't a complete lie, he called it training, he said he did it to make me stronger, to not feel the pain, I think he did it just so he had a reason to hurt me. 

Sebastian lets out a low hum as his finger continues to trail over the scar, his eyes locked on to it. I hated the way he was looking at it. I didn't like people looking at them, I was worried they would find out the truth underneath my lies. But with Sebastian, I almost wanted him to challenge me, to force the truth out of me, I wanted him to know. But I would never tell. The punishment for that would be one of the worst. 

Sebastian finally looks me in the eyes, something was different in his gaze now, I couldn't quite put my finger down on it. "You seem different now, Mila", he says, it wasn't a question but rather a statement. 

I shrug my shoulders, "I guess four years does that to a person, you most definetly aren't the same person as you were four years ago" 

Four years ago, I was still that little girl who had hopped that her Daddy stilled loved despite his cruel actions. I lost that hope when I was 10 years old and he had allowed for me to be raped and defiled for the third time, I guess that three times is the charm. 

Sebastian chuckles, "No I most certainly am not". 

I feel my lips turn up slightly, "Well, for one you are now a brother".

Sebastian smiles at the mention of his sister, Chiara, "Yes I am, but you are still the annoying little sister, well, so I hear from Carlos". 

"If he says it, it must be true", I shrug. 

Sebastian shakes his head, "Oh, but there is so much more to you than just that, isn't there?", his hand comes up to my face and gently cups my cheek. 

I feel myself gulp, my heart hammering against my chest, my stomach churning. I can't seem to muster up any words, so all I do is nod in response. Sebastian's thumb begins to caress the edge of my jaw slowly, as we stare into each others eyes. Soon his touch leaves me and he stands quickly. 

He clears his throat and then says before he hurriedly walks back into the house, "You should try and get some sleep Mila". 

(1359 words) 

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