Chapter 32 - Dances

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Emilia Morales

Age: 15

"What a delightful gala you have put on once again Elena, you always do an amazing night", another suck up nobody says to Mama. 

Her reply, one that I have heard about 100 times tonight, "The pleasure is all mine Lucian, I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself". 

The old man in front of us continues, shifting his gaze towards me, "And you have such a beautiful daughter as well! Emilia, isn't it? She would be such a perfect match for my son".

Kill me now. 

Mama only smiles, "Ahh you are ever so kind Lucian, and what an ever so gracious comment, maybe one day. Have a good rest of your night". 

"Farewell", Lucian says before walking away, back into the crowd filling the spacious room. 

"Maldita sea, ¿alguna vez se detendrá?", Mama mutters. (Bloody hell will it ever stop?)

I feel a real smile grace my lips for the first time, "Ha sido lo mismo toda la noche mamá. ¿Alguna vez te cansas de eso?", I ask. (It has been the same thing all night mama. Do you ever get sick of it?)

Mama switches back to English, "It comes with the title darling, you will soon learn all about it one day", she pats my cheek softly. 

I furrow my eyebrows, "I don't think so Mama". 

Her gaze leaves mine and travels across the room, "I wouldn't be so sure about that, it seems that you have captured the attention of a certain heir". 

I follow her gaze and see Sebastian conversing with my brother and their friends, but his eyes are on me. My cheeks heat up and I quickly look away, seeing that Mama is now looking at me, a knowing look in her eyes. 

"I don't know what you are talking about", I argue still feeling the warmth in my cheeks. 

"My sweet darling, you have much to learn. Now go and entertain yourself, I have more conversing to do", Mama orders. 

'Si, Mama", I reply, walking away from her. 

I scan the room looking for someone to talk to, and I feel myself frowning when I come up short. It was then that I felt a tap on my shoulder. 

Turning around I saw Sebastian smiling at me. 

"May I have this dance?", he asks as he extends his hand toward me. 

"You may", I smile as I place my hand in his, feeling my heart skip a beat. 

Sebastian leads us to the middle of the dance floor and places one hand on my waist and keeps the other holding my hand. The hand that I don't have enclosed in his goes to his shoulder. We begin to move around together, swaying to the music playing around us. 

"Did I tell you that you look beautiful tonight?", Sebastian's voice speaks over the sound of the instruments. 

I give him a small smile, feeling my cheeks heat up, "You haven't, I would say that you look rather dashing tonight yourself".

He did too. Dressed in a black suit that fit him perfectly, which I was sure was no mistake, as it was probably tailored, and I had no doubt that it was designer and cost a ridiculous amount of money. Similar to my own dress. A blue silk dress that reaches to the floor, which was tailored to fit me in all of the right places. 

"Well you do", Sebastian says. 

"Do what?", I ask. 

"Look beautiful", Sebastian clarifies, "You look absolutely gorgeous tonight Mila".

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