Chapter 25 - Drives

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You know how I said that things couldn't get any worse. Well that was bullshit. Not only 2 hours after a breakfast that was both equally awkward as it was delicious, Felix called me informing that he believes we have a mole in our Mafia. I mean it explains how the Spanish always seemed to know where I was. But still, to put it simply I'm pissed. 

I haven't even changed since I left the Bianchi mansion, still in my pair of grey shorts and oversized shirt, which I had a suspicion belonged to Sebastian. Leaving his house was troublesome. Sebastian claimed that I shouldn't be just leaving all of the time without some protection. That was then I reminded him that I could take care of myself and have been doing so for years now. That only gave me an unimpressed look. Which leads me to now where I was standing in front of a culmination of men and women all looking nervous at the compound, and I was sure that my anger was plastered all over my face, and Sebastian at my side. 

The room was eerily silent, so quiet that the drop of a pin could be heard and it would echo. I felt my finger twitching to reach for the gun that I had stashed in the waistband of my shorts. The urge I had right now to begin raining hell fire was so strong, but I knew that I shouldn't. I didn't want to be the kind of leader that my father is, the one who illicits respect by fear. I wanted people to respect me because I was worthy of it, not because they are worried I will kill them if they don't. 

"You all are probably wondering what you are all doing here", my voice echos across the room, "We have a mole", I stated simply, the room began to erupt in noise. 

I raised my voice, regaining their attention, "Whoever you are, you have one chance. One chance to confess. One chance before we hunt you down, and we will find you. And when we do, your death will inevitable, and trust me, it will be one of great pain".

The room is silence once again for a few moments before erupting back into chaos. Accusations are thrown everywhere. 

"You have 24 hours", I say before walking away. Hearing some footsteps follow behind me. I open the door, leaving it open as I walk in and sit on top of my desk, crossing my legs. First Felix walks in, followed by Dante, Ace and Sebastian who leans against the doorway, playing with his lighter. 

"We are looking into everyone we believe to be suspicious at the moment", Dante begins, "I have been searching through everyone's phones and so far there hasn't been anything coming up that rings alarms bells". 

I nod, "Good, what else?".

"I think that letting out some fake information will be extremely beneficial, that would help us narrow who is the mole", Felix speaks up, "We tell certain groups information and whatever gets leaked, we know what group to look at". 

I pick at my nails, "Sounds good to me, anything else?".

"No boss"

"Good, then you are all dismissed", I order and all but Sebastian leave the room. 

He now has a cigarette in between his lips and smoke escapes from there. He takes a step forward towards me and nods his head to the door. 

"You ready?", he asks. 

"I guess, I mean what else can happen today?", I reply, jumping off the desk, walking out the door, with Sebastian following me and shutting the door behind him. 

His hand comes to rest on my lower back as we walk through the compound back to where his car was parked. Normally I would flinch away from the contact, but I was so tired that I didn't care. I hadn't slept in like 36 hours and it was only now hitting me. The sun was blinding as we exited the building and walked to the car. Sebastian opened my door for me, and I slipped into the passenger seat, with him closing it when I was seated. He then rounded the front of the car and opened the driver side down, also getting in. The car revved alive and we soon began moving, back to his mansion. The drive was silent, but oddly comforting. Before I knew it, we were back at his house. 

I exited the car and walked straight up to the house, walking inside. I was going to head straight to the bedroom that I had claimed as my own, before I saw Maria sitting at the kitchen island. I don't know why but I felt myself gravitating towards her. I wasn't sure if it was because she reminded me of my own mother. Or the fact that she was so welcoming to me both in the past and now. Or maybe it was the fact that I had missed having a maternal figure in my life. I wasn't sure. 

Maria lifts her head at the sound of my footsteps and smiles, "Hello estimada, how are you?". (Dear)

I smile at her before taking a seat next to her at the island, "I'm alive aren't I? That's all I can ask for" 

She smiles once more, "So tell me about you, where are you from? You sound like you have a mixture of accents"

I tensed up at the question, I assumed that these types of questions would be coming, but I hadn't prepared myself fully to both answer and not reveal the fact that these questions made me nervous. Obviously my being so tired didn't help that fact, as Maria immediately noticed my anxiety. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry!", she says placing a hand on my lower arm, "I was just curious, I'm just a nosy person". 

I shake my head, "No it's okay, I'm just tired", I reassure her, "I have spent some time across the world in my life, but mainly Spain and Russia". 

I mean it isn't a complete lie. 

Maria lights up at my answer, "Oh I absolutely adore Spain, where from there did you live in?"

"The northern parts", a lie I was from the south. 

She smiles at me once more, "Ahh, it's so very nice up there, lot's of amazing food, I mainly spent my time in the south", 

I know I was there for most of it, 

"The photo you were looking at earlier, in the hallway, the boy in that photo was Carlos, his family lives there", 

I once lived there too, but she doesn't know that, 

"So I hear that you lived in Russia with Nicki and his family", Maria says. 

I nod my head, I go to answer her but was interrupted by a familiar Russian accent, "Yeah she has Mama B, my sister from another mister!"

Nikolai strides into the kitchen, his usual smile plastered on his face.

"Oh Nicki, it has been too long!", Maria says rising from her seat, arms spread out wide, "Come give me a hug". 

Nik immediately goes into her embrace. He looks over to me mouthing, "Are you okay?", and all I do is nod in reply. I knew he didn't believe me with the look on his face, but I just shake my head and he understands. Maria soon lets him out of her hug. Her hands go to cup his face. 

"My, my, my, you definetly have grown so much since the last time I saw you, but still so skinny! They aren't feeding you enough in Russia, too cold", Maria declares, she then turns to me, "You too estimada, you are only skin and bones! But don't worry I will make sure that while you are here you will be well fed"

Nik seems to love that idea as his smiles only grows, "Mama B I can't think of anything that sounds better, you were always the best cook, and still so beautiful after so many years!".

Maria smiles, tapping Nik twice on his cheek before moving back to her seat next to me. Sebastian then decides to grace us with his presence. 

"Stop flirting with my Mama, Nikolai"

Nik feigns innocence with a shocked look, "Me! Never!"

I roll my eyes, completely seeing through his bullshit. 

"So anyway, now that we all are pretty much here, what does it the plan?", Nikolai asks. 

Instead of Sebastian answering, I answer for him, "It's time to stop playing nice", I simply state to the room, "We fight back. We hit them hard when they least suspect it. I'm done being the nice guy, it's time to get our hands a little dirty". 

I look up to see Sebastian already looking at me, all he does is nod. Nikolai, however, being the annoying, dramatic man that he is decides let out an exaggerated whistle. 

"Well damn, I guess it is a good thing I packed my killing jacket! Seems like I'm going to need it".

Oh Jesus Christ. 

(1504 words)

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