Chapter 36 - Plans

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"Get up"

I looked up from my phone where I was mindlessly scrolling on my bed. Nikolai was standing in the doorway leaning against the wall there. His eyebrows were raised expectedly. 

I rolled my eyes and continued looking at my phone. 

"'Hi Viola, how are you today? Can you please get up so we can do whatever it is that you want to do'. What the fuck happened to manners? Kids these days", I said. 

I heard Nikolai scoff. 

"Girl, you better get your ass up before I make you get your ass up"

"Ohhh I'm so scared! What are you going to do, spank me?", I teased. 

What does Nikolai do? Glad you asked. He stopped his foot and crossed his arms over his chest exactly like a child would do if they didn't get their way. 

"Viiiiiiiiiiii", he whined. 

I looked up at Nikolai and gave him a blank stare. 

"Stop whining", I scolded, "Why do I need to get up anyway? I'm perfectly fine not moving for the next 72 hours, I'm comfortable". 

"Because Dad wants to have some meeting discussing 'strategy' and he said that I have to get you", Nikolai finally let out. 

"Your dad's here?"

This time Nikolai rolled his eyes, "That is what I just said isn't it?"

I rolled around so I was sitting up right on the bed. 

"Don't you take that tone with me"

Nik smirked. 

"What you gonna do, spank me?"

I sat there in silence for a moment, debating my next move. 

I had a dagger under my pillow and another in my bedside table, I could just stab him and rid of the pain in my ass that I have been dealing with for the past like 8 years. 

But sadly all of those years with him, has led to him having a soft spot in my heart and I might miss him. 

I guess though I could settle for just trimming his hair, or maybe even his ear. 

"That was my line, be original for once", I settled on. 

"Whatever loser, but seriously get up, we are already late"

I looked down at my clothes. I was wearing some random, slightly tattered, grey cotton shorts and a black shirt. 

"Fine but I'm not changing", I stated as I stood up putting my phone in the waistband of my shorts, alongside with my gun that was resting on my bedside table. 

Nik moved from the doorway into the hall. 

"I wouldn't expect anything less"

We began walking in sync down the hallway. 

"Since when is your Dad in America?", I asked. 

"Fuck if I know, I came down to steal some cookies that Maria had made and he was just sitting there and told me to get you". 

I stopped walking. 


Nikolai stopped walking too and looked back at me, "What?"

"Maria made cookies?", I asked. 

Nik's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "Yes?"

"And you didn't think to come and tell me?"

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