Chapter 18.

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Milana's breath hitched as she stared into those piercing orbs. 

The teenager smirked mischievously as she licked her lips suggestively and her eyes trailed down the older woman's robust bosom, then, she whispered seductively "School's out, Mrs Ma'am." 

"Brielle, this is-" 

"What? Wrong??" Brielle interjected with a scoff, before, she said sarcastically "Haven't you heard? I live for danger." 

Suddenly, China's familiar voice came, rather loudly, from the hallway "MALKOLM?? HERE YOU ARE!! MY FATHER HAS BEEN WANTING YOUR CONTACT FOR AGES!!!" 

Sighing with regret as she moved away from Milana, Brielle said softly "Well, we'll be seeing each other very soon..." She turned away from the older woman and walked toward the door with a confident saunter. The teenager walked out into the hallway and said with an excited smile as she laid eyes on Malkolm and China "'Ello, there? Fancy seeing you here!" 

The older man shrugged his shoulders and mumbled as Brielle approached "We've passed each other in the hallway, like, this whole week..." Then, she stepped in front of him and said with an overzealous smirk "See you?" 

Without another word, the teenagers walked away from Malkolm and once they were out of earshot; Brielle said "Thanks for the heads-up." China linked her arm with her taller friends' and grinned "Of course!" The pair walked out of the school and into the parking lot while casually conversing about their close call, with, China being grateful for Katherine and her influence.

Then, they reached Brielle's car and China turned to face the taller teenager as she said with an exhausted sigh "You're my friend and I love you, but, I'm not going to allow you to go into this with... her, without back-up." 

"So, you'll help me?"

"But, you need to be sure..."

"One hundred percent!!" 

"Okay..." China held out her hand and said firmly "Then, I'm in." 

Without hesitation or regard to her own personal space rule; Brielle embraced the shorter teenager and said gratefully "Thank you so much, C; I really appreciate it." The pair shared a tight hug for a few minutes before parting; then, Brielle said as she pulled out her car keys "I'll text you later." She turned to her car and unlocked it as China walked to her car with a cheerful spring in her step.  

Smiling happily as she drove out of the school, Brielle peeked China driving behind her with a similar expression; thereafter, she headed to Karmilla's house with a smile on her face and a lit joint in her hand. The drive was peaceful and chilled as she smoked and listened to music; a whole vibe. 

But, Brielle could feel herself being watched and really wanted to shake the feeling, that, seemed to follow her throughout her winding and somewhat long drive home. 

Finally, she pulled up to the house and judging by the plethora of SUV's parked in front of the house; her mother had arrived as well.

Brielle parked behind the last of five black Range Rover Discovery SUV's, exited her car and headed to the house across the front lawn; reaching the door and getting greeted by a team of security guards, who, immediately allowed her entrance into the home. Rolling her eyes at their formal bows, despite, being part Britain's most elite agents of protection (Code for being MI5.)

The tall teenager walked into the lounge area and greeted her mother, acknowledged her sister, completely ignored Lukas and her stepfather and turned her entire focus to her younger brother, who, grinned sheepishly from the armchair that she loved.  

Katherine's current husband, Sir Alexander, had blessed her with her only son after being hastily married three years after Brielle's birth; it was more for business, but when, the young Karter-Alessandro was born, everything was full circle. 

Brielle loved her younger brother; but... completely disregarded his father, despite, Alex raising her. 

Alex was of German descent, but, was raised in London with his father; the Count of Essex. He was very charming for his age with her head of sleek, brown hair to match his trimmed goatee, thick eyebrows, dark russet colored eyes, sharp nose, wide shoulders, fit body and his fair skin tone. He had a very disarming smile and sweet personality; however, that only caused sirens for Brielle throughout her entire life. 

Karter-Alessandro, though he was the spitting image of his father, was adored and protected by his sister his whole 14 years alive. He was scrawny and fairly tall, about 5"7, with a light tan skin, shining hazel brown eyes, a lightly acne prone face, bright blue braces and a slightly crooked nose from a childhood injury caused by Brielle. 

Smiling widely as she looked at her stepfather, Brielle said "Alexander." 

Katherine rolled her eyes, faced Karmilla and said "So, the place will be ready by Sunday and I'll be talking to the girls' ASAP. The realtor will call you when she can move in, but, you need to keep her here." Without thought, the tall teenager asked her younger brother "Are you also being punished?" 

"Yeah! I got caught fighting at Ronnie's and broke the guys' nose." 


"Yeah.. Tyrelle wasn't really impressed with the concussion aspect." 

"He got a concussion??" 

Feeling annoyed, Katherine interjected and said "Enough of this, now!!" 

Turning to her younger daughter and said calmly "If those girls' parents don't agree; I cannot do anything further. Do you understand?" Brielle nodded and said with a confident smile "They'll definitely enjoy Bunny's Bandhouse!" 

"Excuse you??" Alex asked with surprise, but, the teenager had already dragged her brother to her bedroom; making the older man turn to his wife as she whispered "Let them be, Lex. They need to have each other's backs at that school now that Hollander's offspring are in the picture." 

However, Brielle had led her brother to her sanctum and threw him onto her bed as she said excitedly "You need to get changed and ready for tonight! We're going to a party!!" 

"But, Mother would-" The younger man started, but, his sister interjected as she tossed him her favorite sky blue and white Baseball jacket "Would want us to bond before I go to live at a 'study' flat with a couple of my friends." 

"Why can't I come to the 'study' flat?" 

"Because you're a dude, dude." The older teen said as she dragged her brother to his feet, then, she held him by his shoulders and stared into his eyes. 

Feeling awkward under the intense eye contact, Karter looked around nervously; making Brielle say as held his cheeks and stared into his eyes "I will not let anything happen to you, K. It's going to be awesome, man!!" She smiled wider "I'll be introducing my new friends, all Seniors, to my cool younger brother??" 

Inhaling deeply as he fell for her bait, Karter-Alessandro nodded his head and walked to the bedroom door as his sister said excitedly "You're going to enjoy this, my dude. I promise you!!" 

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