Chapter 26.

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The trio had enjoyed the meal, played some billiards and returned to the white manor.

Though they were wasted; they had decided to stay up and have a coffee while discussing the future.

Wednesday inquired as she looked down at her drink "And children?"

Brielle froze and Selene looked at her with uncertainty.

"I want as much as possible.." The older woman said with her hand raised and Brielle shrugged her shoulders as she sipped on her coffee.

"I'm not sure about that just yet; it's too much.. You know?" The teenager said with another shrug and Wednesday said with a small smile "Well, we'd be three Mom's."

"And that's much better than a mom and dad." Selene added with a wink; causing Brielle to shrug again as she sipped her coffee, then, she suggested with a yawn "Let's hit the hay?"

Together, the three women had headed to the bedroom with blurry eyes and wide yawns; then, they stripped themselves into their underwear and climbed under the thin bedsheets.

Within the shortest time; the three had fallen asleep and found themselves in the deepest end of their slumber with their bodily comfort being enough solace for them.

It had been a much needed rest for the couple and they had awoken the following day at the break of the morning sun.

The morning came and Brielle was the first to wake up; leaving the sleeping pair alone as she went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

With earpods in her ears, the teenager had begun to cook a feast for her partners while vibing to music and smoking a blunt; making a proper English breakfast with a seasoned finesse.

However, being in her world; the teenager had not noticed that Wednesday had stood in the hallway and recorded her dancing and singing.

Then, her favorite song by Megan thee stallion began playing and Brielle couldn't stop herself from twerking with extra vigor; making Wednesday laugh as watched the tall teenager dance.

Unfortunately, Brielle had turned around and laid eyes on her girlfriend, who, hurriedly locked her phone and smiled innocently as she approached her.

"Morning beautiful..." Wednesday smiled as she stepped behind the island and picked up a piece of bacon while Brielle removed her earpods, then, she said "My mom texted; something about cutting me off if I don't come to Milla's today."

"And you're not going?"



"Because they'll blackmail me into doing something stupid and then I probably won't see you guys." Brielle replied as she grabbed the coffee from the machine and placed the glass kettle on the countertop. 

"But, do you really want to get cut off?" Wednesday asked as she moved the island and sat on a barstool, so, Brielle replied with a nonchalant shrug as she took out three mugs "Its happened before and they still took me back." The older teenager said "This time could be different."

"Not really." Selene said as she, suddenly, appeared in the kitchen area; so, Wednesday said in an attempt to convince the younger teenager "Bree, your mother is a serious woman and I don't think you should upset her."

"My dad's got it." The unbothered young woman said as she and Selene moved to join Wednesday on the other side of the island; then, as they started eating, Brielle explained "I can never be fully cut off, Day, I'm Royalty and that's all that matters. My mother could never convince my entire family to ignore me or my needs; it'd be like asking the stars to stop shining..." With a shrug, she concluded "This is just a phase and I'm sure Sir Alex will change her mind."

Though she was skeptical; Wednesday chose to accept defeat and continued to eat her food with the careless pair. 

Soon, they had finished the meal and while Selene went to shower; Brielle had gone for a swim and they left Wednesday in the kitchen as she kept herself busy with her cellphone and waited for the dishwasher to finish. 

This was the life and the three women could agree as they orbited around each other without a care in the world; letting the day pass them in a blur as they ended chilling by the poolside once Manny had delivered some weed to Wednesday. 

It was a good day; they even ended up having a barbeque and chilling by the fire once the sun had gone to set. No problems or issues... 

Until Brielle had received an email.

"What the fuck??" The youngest woman said as she spat out her beer in surprise. 

Wednesday and Selene focused on her and watched the teenager panickily use her phone; then, she looked at them with wide eyes and said softly "She was serious."

"What do you mean?" Selene asked with her brows furrowed and the teenager replied with her frustration growing as she squeezed her phone "Katherine blocked my access to all my accounts and cancelled my Netflix!!" 

Without hesitation, Brielle sprung to her feet and dialled her mother's number, before, she held her phone to her ear and waited. 

Then, she said "You really did that?? You cancelled my Netflix!! Why? Because I want some independence from your smothering??"  

Wednesday whispered to Selene "Is the Netflix that important?" She shook her head and replied softly "It's the context, babe."

"Yeah? Well, I never wanted the place to begin with-" Brielle said, then, she groaned loudly and snapped "I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ANY OF IT!!!!" 

Wednesday was shocked by the outburst while Selene simply continued sipping on her beer with nonchalance.

Suddenly, the younger woman screamed into her phone "I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!" 

Without hesitation, Brielle threw her cellphone into the pool with a roar and her reaction made Wednesday jump to her feet and say calmly "Bree?"

Clenching her jaw and fists as she stared at the water, Brielle drew deep breathes; so, the older teenager said softly as she took hold of the taller teenagers' hand "Maybe we should go inside and calm down? Don' t you think you're being a bit irrational?" 

"We'll fetch your clothes tomorrow." Selene informed them and Wednesday said as she faced the older woman "Whoa!! That's drastic." 

"Nah, they can keep it; I'll simply tell my dad and he'll handle her." Brielle said as she, suddenly, calmed down; then, she picked up her beer and took a deep gulp, before, she swallowed and said bitterly "This is not the end."

Wednesday looked between the pair and said with annoyance "Can we just breath first? This is all going too fast for me and-" 

"Are you scared, Wednesday?" Brielle, suddenly, asked as she stared into her girlfriends eyes daringly and her question made Wednesday blurt out "No- Yeah- I mean, aren't you being impulsive?" 

Brielle shook her head as she took another sip of her beer, then, she said as she pointed her index finger at Wednesday "My mother has declared war..." 

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