⋇⊶⊰ Chapter Two ⊱⊷⋇

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Case One- Stepping Stones

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Case One- Stepping Stones

Author's POV

The Crime Investigation Unit arrived at the scene of what appeared to be a sudden death—a modest office on the fifth floor of an ageing building. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness as they entered, their instincts on high alert despite the absence of overt signs of violence.

The victim, Koo Sunghe, a middle-aged woman, lay sprawled on the office corridor floor, an expression of surprise frozen on her face. Y/N stepped closer to the body as she examined her, and noted the lack of obvious wounds or bloodstains, adding an extra layer of mystery to the situation. She approached cautiously, careful not to disturb the immediate area.

She lifted her eyes up from the body to look at the guys, "The only obvious thing I found are faint red marks on the body's neck and inner wrists. Could have been a possible restraint or perhaps an ordinary allergy reaction."

The first task was to secure the scene. Namjoon instructed the patrol officers to block off the area and called for the crime scene technicians to document the surroundings thoroughly. As they worked, he surveyed the room for any clues that might explain the sudden demise. The office corridor, that was hollow and almost empty, held an eerie silence. He noticed a cup of coffee on the floor nearby.

"Let's get this cup and its contents tested." Woozi gestured for the forensic team to collect it, suspecting it might contain traces of something unusual. Perhaps a poison or substance that could provide a clue to the cause of death.

The absence of an obvious murder weapon intrigued Namjoon. He meticulously searched the surroundings, considering the possibility of an undetectable poison or a silent method of harm. He checked the office for any signs of toxic substances, carefully examining food containers and serving items in the staffroom nearby, which was where he presumed the coffee cup was from.

As the forensic team completed their initial documentation, Y/N directed them to focus on the victim's body. She knew that the key to unravelling the mystery might lie in the physiological evidence. Toxicology tests, post-mortem examination, and detailed analysis of the surroundings were essential to uncovering the cause of this sudden and seemingly unexplained death.

The forensic team carefully bagged the woman's body after marking the floor around her body. They left the office, leaving the Crime Investigation Unit to find more clues about the sudden death. They had more questions than answers, determined to delve into the victim's life, medical history, and social connections. The absence of a traditional murder weapon only heightened the challenge, pushing the unit to consider unconventional methods and motives that might have led to the tragic end of a seemingly ordinary life.

The unit members walked around the building to question the boss and the staff about the woman if they knew about any enemies that she might have had. Inyeop and Y/N walked around the building as they found a young woman silently crying to herself.

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