⋇⊶⊰ Chapter Three ⊱⊷⋇

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Author's POV

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Author's POV

As the morning started to stale away, the cool afternoon breeze blew against the tall building of the medical forensics lab. Namjoon stood at the ground floor of the lab as he waited for the others to get there. While waiting for them, he looked around him. Every single thing was just as he has seen them for the past years. The same position of the table in the waiting area, the seven vintage paintings on the walls as if it were an art museum and even the large screen that showed the indication of the autopsies going on.

He has been here so many times that he can't even remember his first day properly. The only thing he remembers from his first day was how he walked into an autopsy that was in progress and the main medical examiner looked back at him with a huge saw in his hand. Despite Namjoon being a brave officer, the overall look of the medical examiner and the saw in his hand made Namjoon's life flash in front of his eyes.

Jogging in his memory lane, the team arrived with Y/N at the back scribbling through her notepad, trying to puzzle everything again from square one. Namjoon came back to his senses seeing four pairs of beady eyes looking at him while Y/N's head was still stuck in her notepad.

"Well, now that you all are here, let's go." Namjoon started walking towards the large glass doors as he scanned his ID which granted him access as the doors slid open.

The corridor was long and cold and the walls were shiny grey as if they were made of steel. Walking down the never-ending corridor, Y/N looked up from her notepad and around her, huge doors on the walls with windows on them stood strong and proud. Each window had a steel table in the middle with dull lights streaming down like the autopsy scenes you see on tv.

Finally reaching the end of the corridor, Namjoon swiped his ID again and this time, the scene was different to the corridor. It was a large room with high tech equipment placed in every corner as if it were the lab of a mad scientist. At the right side of the room, a tall man in a white lab coat, stood in front of the table, scrolling through a slim tablet in his hand.

"Jin." Namjoon called out as the man looked up to him. 


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