Chapter 19

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As you think about death, you may think about how you will die, or how others will die, or about an possible after life. But I think about how people will remember me. If I had a choice I would want them to remember me as me as a person. As a human, as someone who made mistakes,I do not want to be some glorified human just because I'm dead. I was a human, I was a live, I made mistakes so remember me as me.

I sent this to my bestfriends the people I could trust to write a eulogy that correctly fits me, and all my mistakes.

"I have a favor to ask one that will last a lifetime for me.
If I die first please do not honor me as some god like person, that only did good. Remember my rights and wrongs I am human I have my faults. I am not perfect, remember be as the crazy friend that thought of school as a social experiment. Remember me as the nerd, remember me as me! Not like a human that did no wrong. Because if you do no wrong you are ether heavenly or an extraterrestrial. This is the one favor I will ask for at the time of my death. Remember me as me."

Thank you for reading -Emma

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