3: tasting your blood means i love you

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every time billy slept over there would always be an argument about who got to occupy the bathroom in the morning. both wanted to use showers and whatnot, which in turn would lead to a not-so-pleasant morning. so to compromise, the first person up would get dibs on the shower while the other was busy getting ready.

this particular dawn billy woke up later than expected, already hearing the soft sha sound coming from the bathroom. he let out a displeased groan while making his way into the steam-flooded room. used his wrist to wipe away the clouded vapor from the blurry sink mirror.

billy blinked a few times to get his unsteady vision to focus. he wore his usual sleeping clothes which consisted of a plain white shirt with a pair of black boxers. as he stared into the mirror he noticed that two dark circles had dug themselves a grave underneath his weary eyelids.

billy slapped some tap water on his face in a failed attempt to wake himself up. that was when he noticed the pricks of stubble poking the tips of his fingers. shit.

he retrieved his razor from the bag of stuff he brought with him and began working away at the small hairs on his chin. all was going well until he started making his way towards the last part of his cheek. a loud crash came from behind the shower curtains causing him to jump. the tip of the blade nicked his skin causing blood to flow from the open wound

"ouch, you mother fucker!" billy shouted while he dropped the razor into the sink with a thud. soon enough droplets of crimson followed, plopping one by one into the white sink.

stu peeked out from behind the curtain. "what happened?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face, only then to see the stream of blood dripping down billy's face. "you happened, asshole." he hissed.

"now i have to go to school with a scratch on my face, thank a bunch you ass." stu rolled his eyes before retreating behind the curtains. "oh come on you're over exaggerating, it can't be that bad." billy heard the rush of water slow to a mere drop. stu reached for his towel outside the shower and wrapped it snuggly around his waist.

while billy was preoccupied with keeping the blood from oozing out of the slash, stu walked up beside him. he grabbed billy's face and tilted it towards him, observing the fresh wound as the blood once again began to drain downwards. stu's hair was dampened and his upper torso exposed the pale skin that his clothes always hid away.

billy swallowed hard, stu closely observed his cheek to the point where they were only a couple inches apart. stu then cracked a grin. leaning forward before whispering in the other's ear. "i think it suits you." stu's low hushed voice sent a rush of adrenaline coursing through him.

billy then felt a damp sensation press against his opened gash. he winced at the pressure before realizing what stu was doing. his tongue lapped the blood before it had a chance to stain billy's freshly shaven face. he kitty licked the wound, with each lap sending a sharp pain radiating through his cheek.

before billy had a chance to push the taller boy away, a pair of arms snaked around his waist and held him in place.

"hey- wait- get off me you fucking psycho!" he squirmed in his captors' restraints as the other berated him with soft kisses. he fought to get away while stu held him close till their bodies pressed firmly against one another.

suddenly billy stopped struggling once his groin touched the thin towel wrapped around stu's waist. feeling the fully hardened outline of his dick through the fabric.

"what- you're- now?" billy asks with stu burying his head deeper into the side of his neck. stu hummed in agreement while continuing to sprawl a string of kisses along the sensitive skin. stu moved his hips forward, grinding himself against billy's already half-hard cock.

"f..fuck stu." at that moment, he could've sworn every drop of blood in his body flooded downward. stu refrained from teasing the other's neck further. he backed up, looking at billy in his hazy dark brown irises. the wound continued to drip blood at a much slower pace.

"anyone ever told you that look so fucking hot in red," stu asked with a grin. billy then realized the reason for both of their raging problems was because of stu's perverted nature for blood. "that's what turned you on you sick fuck." he hisses while their groins grind together beneath the restricting fabrics.

stu then swipes his thumb across the gash, smearing the trail of blood. with billy still focused on him, he dragged his tongue across the blood-smeared finger.

billy then suddenly pushes forward, almost knocking stu over with the full extent of his body weight being shoved against him. their lips slammed together messily as stu struggled to find his footing.

billy swung his arms around the other's neck, pulling them closer together. the make-out session was rough and desperate with a feeling of lust looming over the bathroom.

the kiss was sloppy as a string of drool rolled down billy's chin. nothing about the way their bodies grinded against one another's was anything less than desperation. soft whines and moans erupted into the kiss, breaking it before they ended up suffocated on the bathroom floor.

"this is you're fault asshole.. take some responsibility," billy instructed, wiping away the saliva that dripped down his chin. his demanding words made a small grin take over stu's lips.

a relieved sigh flew from billy's mouth once a hand wrapped around his length. feeling their groins press together without restraint. billy felt like collapsing onto the wet bathroom floor, only remanding upright because of the grip he held around stu's nape. their cock slid together while stu's handheld them steady before stroking them simultaneously.

"mh- shit.. keep going.. just like that," billy whined, stuffing his face in the crook of stu's neck. inhaling the intoxicating smell of his soap which centered him. his nails dug painfully into the skin, leaving long scratch marks long stu's back.

pleasurable noises floated in the air, billy did all he could to bite back the noises from escaping his vocal cords but they wouldn't stop. he needed something to bite down on. so, he settled for the delicate skin on stu's neck. he latched down, sinking his canines into the flesh.

stu let out a loud whimper when bily's teeth dug into the side of his neck. the sudden noise sounded a lot less painful, actually, it sounded more like a repressed moan than an outcry. he then heard stu chuckle.

"is that all you got?" the hand motions dragging their cocks along slowed resulting in a silent plea from billy. he then removed his mouth from his neck and bit down on his shoulder causing the grip on their lengths to tighten.

billy sucked hard, determined to decorate his skin and leave behind an array of colorful hickeys. stu wasn't sure he could last much longer as he pumped their dicks at an unsteady pace. pre-come bubbled to his tip while billy sucked him like a leach. billy thrusted upwards into his fist, hoping to speed this along.

loud gasps for air along with the repetitive noise of skin slapping together echoed off the bathroom walls. stu gave them both one last stroke before releasing all over his hands and lower abdomen.

they came in unison as billy bit down hard on stu's shoulder, causing the tangy taste of iron to flood his tastebuds. a mixture of blood and saliva trickled from the bite mark. billy backed away, knees weak as he licked the blood from his lips.

"there.. now we're even." they eventually came down from their well-deserved high, and continued like it was any other normal morning.

sorry for any mistakes!
word count: 1,360
date made: october 24th 2023

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