10: skinny dipping

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billy sat in silence till the clock struck midnight. only when he was sure the others in his field trip group were fast asleep in their assigned beds did he make his move for the door. his head peeked out into the empty deserted hallways where he marched soundlessly down to the hotel lobby and out the front door. seeing the bright yellow school busses and walking aways down the dirt path where he had been instructed to head.

"there you are, geez what took you so long?" stu teased, despite him arriving only a couple minutes after their scheduled meeting time. billy rolled his eyes and continued unbothered down the calm and relaxing path, with the rushing of shoes against the soil hurrying to catch up.

the late evening was the only time they could meet up on a whim, the only time they could stop pretending on this god-awful school trip that lasted an eternity. they often snuck out late at night, underneath the comforting blanket of darkness and seemingly disappear into nothingness together. they continued aimlessly down the fading dirt path, conversations brewing between them that would soon become scarce.

when the chatting soon died down and the ironic chiming of crickets began to play, there was a touch. a sudden gesture that made billy flinch, but then settle in as their palms clasped together and swung back and forth childishly.

stu wore a look of satisfaction, usually the other would slap his hand away or make some rude remark. of course, that was when they're around people and stu tried to sneak in some public display of affection towards his secret boyfriend. however, most times billy seemed to shoot him down whenever they were outside a secured room or inside a bathroom stall. but tonight was different.

they were in a secluded area in a whole other state. no one knew or cared who they were which was comforting for once.

billy, who was kept in the dark about where they were heading, kept his mouth shut and eyes down. waiting for this 'amazing spot' stu kept blabbing on and on about. it was only when the sounds of running water rudely interrupted the cricket's symphonies did billy had an idea where they were heading.

in a clearing, between the layers of lush trees and forest jurisdictions was a loud and obnoxiously beautiful sight.

"it's nice isn't it," stu said with a smile. the waterfall was as clear as crystals that shimmered in the moon's delicate rays. the various droplets splatted on the rock beds with a loud splash.

"i have to admit i'm impressed, i thought you were lying-" he turned to face stu who was caught in the middle of tossing his shirt over his head to reveal the cream-like skin tucked beneath the fabrics. billy gave him a confused glance as he discarded his shirt into a soft grassy patch and worked at his pants.

he met the other's puzzled gaze and smiled, "what, you actually thought we came all the way out here to admire the view?" he asked with a small chuckle. if he wanted to fuck couldn't they have done it in a less obvious spot?

they were completely out in the open, anyone passing by would surely notice the scattered clothes around the grass. and yet, just the thought of being intimate was enough to make his worries whisk away. the trip had limited their time together which meant little to no time to fool around.

he watched as stu peeled his clothes off one by one till all that remained was his briefs, then stripped them off as well. he gave billy a look, seeing that he was still fully clothed, and almost immediately he began to strip.

his mind was filled with fictional scenarios and lewd images, and he wished his clothes would come off faster. once he was down to his last articles of clothing he heard a splash from behind him. bubbles arose to the surface followed by a half-submerged stu, who quickly wiped the water from his eyes.

"what the fuck are you doing?" the obviously confused billy asks from the sidelines as the water pounded against the boulders.

"skinny dipping.. that's why we came out here so late." stu clarified, watching as billy's expression turned to one of shock and realization. now knowing that they weren't out here for some sensual time together, it was just swimming. stu chuckled, "you weren't thinking something dirty, were you?"

immediately billy felt his cheeks flush under the moon's dim lighting, feeling dumb for considering this to be at all sexual. "fuck off." he cursed under his breath, just loud enough for the other to make out his words.

"hurry up the waters nice!" stu shouts, his voice echoing in the vast forest and reverberating around them for a couple of seconds. "keep your voice down dumbass, you're going to get us caught."

he stripped off his last piece of clothing and stepped towards the water's edge, hesitant to stick his foot in. he watched as the ripples grew bigger with each passing moment before looking up only to be only inches away from his boyfriend.

"no one here billy, c'mon loosen up a little," stu said in a much softer tone. billy opened his mouth to rebuttal but ended up biting his tongue. a sudden pair of arms snaked around his slim waist, holding him before tugging him forward into the body of water.

and for some reason, no matter how cold it may have been, he didn't struggle. feeling a sense of security in the other boy's arms. not speaking a word till they were in the middle of the pond.

"it's fucking freezing." billy shivers, biting down to keep his teeth from chattering. not understanding how stu could stand there seemingly unfazed by the lower temperature. the water felt like ice against his skin.

"don't worry, stay by me and i'll keep you warm," stu said before pulling their bodies together. he was warm. warmer than the surrounding water that drew them closer to one another. and before he could stop himself, his arms were wrapped snugly around the other's neck.

they stood there for a moment, greedily stealing what little warmth stu possessed as they embraced. his body trembled slightly while pressed against the other's submerged skin.

"you're an idiot," billy murmured, trying to hide the desperation lingering in his throat. the need for warmth consumed both his body and mind, and before he knew it his lips were pressed against stu's.

hoping the small action would make him forget about the coldness enveloping his body. the kiss wasn't at all lustful. it was soft and the intentions were sweetened by the hand carding through billy's brunet locks.

breathing became scarce as their lips moved freely without care. billy was no longer worried about being spotted or the fringed temperatures of the water. at that moment his focus was complete on stu.

sorry for any mistakes! 
word count: 1,184
date made: december 16th, 2023

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