Chapter 8

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In the dead of night, I jolted awake, my heart racing and my body covered in a cold sweat

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In the dead of night, I jolted awake, my heart racing and my body covered in a cold sweat.The remnants of the dream clung to my thoughts like a heavy fog, and I couldn't shake the overwhelming fear that had taken hold.

I began to chant softly to myself in the stillness of the night. "I'm fine," I repeated, almost like a mantra, trying to reassure myself. "He's not here. He's not here."A sense of dread washed over me as I saw HIM,  standing there in the dimly lit room.

In my terror, I let a desperate scream,  a cry for help, a plea for someone to save me from the nightmarish presence that I believed was standing in my room.Almost instantly, the door to my room flew open, and there was my elder brother, Christian, who shared the same floor with me. His eyes were wide with concern, and he hurried in, his voice filled with alarm as he asked, "Addy, what's wrong?"

My breath came in ragged gasps as I tried to convey the horrifying presence I believed I had seen. Christian  embraced me and said "It's alright, Addy. There's nothing here. You're safe." Handing me my medication, he stayed by my side, his comforting presence a source of immense relief. I took the medication, and its calming effects began to settle my racing heart and trembling limbs.Christian remained there, offering support and understanding, until the medication started to take its full effect and I gradually drifted into a more peaceful sleep.

As I descended the staircase and headed to the kitchen for breakfast, my thoughts couldn't help but drift back to the events of the previous night. The nightmares, the fear, and the unexpected appearance of him had left a lingering unease that I couldn't shake.I took a deep breath and joined my family at the breakfast table, seeking solace in their presence.

As I settled at the breakfast table, Christian, caught my eye. There was a subtle but deeply concerned look in his eyes, as if he was silently asking, "How are you feeling after last night?"I returned a subtle, reassuring nod, conveying that I was doing better.

Despite my attempt to reassure Christian that I was fine, his persistent concern was evident in his gaze. He knew me too well to be convinced by my simple response. Christian had always been perceptive, and he could see through my facade.

My dad turned to me and said, "Addy, we have a dinner planned with the Carters for tonight. It's an important step in the process, and we'll discuss the details." I nodded and replied, "I'll make sure to be home early for the dinner, Dad."

With breakfast behind me and farewells exchanged with my family, I made my way to my car, ready to face the day ahead. As I drove to work, I found a sense of solace in the familiar streets and the routine of my daily commute.

As I entered my office, I was greeted by the sight of Lily, sitting on the couch. We have exclusive access to each other's office.She looked at me with concern and asked, "Addy, what's wrong? You don't seem yourself today."

With a sigh, I began, "Lily, I had a terrible nightmare last night. It was about...about HIM"Lily's expression shifted to one of concern as she listened intently. I continued, "I woke up in a panic, and I couldn't shake off the fear. It felt so real, and it's been haunting me all day."

Lily immediately pulled me into a comforting embrace. Her arms wrapped around me, and she whispered, "It's going to be fine, Addy. Nightmares can be so unsettling, but remember, you're safe now."

"Lily," I began, "there's more to it. We have a dinner with the Carters tonight".
As I mentioned Asher's name, I couldn't help but notice a subtle shift in Lily's expression. Her initial concern gave way to an irritated and disapproving look, hinting at her reservations about him.Lily had never been shy about her disapproval of Asher, particularly because she knew about my previous feelings for him and how he had rejected me.

Lily's irritation became more pronounced as she leaned closer and whispered, "Addy, you should just hit Asher or I can do it for you. Maybe it'll knock some sense into him!".

Lily's spirited response had me chuckling, and her smile was infectious. As we shared this lighthearted moment, she affectionately said, " that's my best friend."Lily and I shared a heartfelt hug, an unspoken gesture of understanding and comfort. As we released each other, we both knew it was time to get back to work.

I completed my work for the day as I was about to shut down my computer for the day, one particular article headline on my screen caught my eye.
"Billionaire Asher Carter Spotted Having Lunch with Model Maya Sanders."

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