Chapter 33

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Red haze clouded my vision as I burst into the room. Addy lay on the floor, and some guy approached. Instinct took over. Fists flew - mine, Christian's, and Liam's. No words, just a fierce determination to shield Addy from whatever threat loomed.

When Zane's desperate plea reached my ears-"Save Addy!"-I didn't hesitate. Adrenaline pumping, I rushed to Addy's side, my only focus to ensure her safety. As I knelt beside Addy, her words hit me like a wave. "Thought I couldn't see you again," she whispered, and in that moment, time stood still. The weight of the near miss sank in, and I held her close, grateful for the chance to prove her wrong.

Panic set in as Addy lost consciousness in my arms. "Christian, help!" I shouted, the urgency cutting through the air. Christian's voice cut through the chaos, "Liam's got 911 on the line. We need to get her outside."

Cradling Addy in my arms, I carried her outside, desperation etched on my face. I spoke to Liam, my voice raw with emotion, "I can't lose her, Liam. I can't." Liam's steady voice cutting through the chaos, ''Hang in there, Asher. Help's on the way. We're not losing her.''

The ambulance screeches to a halt, and the hospital staff swiftly takes Addy to the ER. I stand outside, tears welling up at the sight of her blood on my hands and track pants.

As our families gathered, Christian spilled the painful details. My father's firm words, "She'll be fine, son," offered a thread of reassurance. My mother's hug, a silent pillar of support, whispered the strength I needed in that uncertain moment.

Addy's mother's tears flowed unchecked, the pain etched across her face. Her father, a pillar of strength, held her close, whispering, "Our princess will be fine, Aurora." Through tear-stained eyes, Addy's mother whispered, "She has to be fine, for all of us. She's our bright light, our Audrey."

Head buzzing, I approach Christian. ''Who the hell is he?' I fire off, frustration seeping into my words. 'You knew about this, why didn't you tell me, man?'' Christian shoots back, ''It was Addy's story to tell, man. I couldn't interfere. She needed to decide when and how to share it with you.''

I fire back, ''A heads-up, Christian! I could've protected her better if I knew what we were up against. This silence, it doesn't cut it when it comes to Addy's safety, damn it!'' Liam swoops in with Lily. ''Guys, not the time or the place for this. Addy needs us united, not bickering."

Doctor steps out, my heart pounding. I rush to him, "How's Addy?'' He says she's safe, relief flooding me. Then he drops it - injured neck and head from the struggle, bruises on her abdomen from the assault. The room tightens with a mix of gratitude and relief.

I ask the doc to let me see Addy. He explains "she's sedated, needs rest. "One family member for the night, "he adds. I turn to my family, ''I'll stay with Addy tonight. You guys, go get some rest. We'll face this together in the morning.''

Liam tosses me a set of clothes, ''Change, man, you look like a wreck.'' A smirk and a pat on the back. "I'll be back in the morning.'' Christian says, ''Take care of my sister, Asher. Anything you need, call me.'' I nod. Lily insists on staying, but I shake my head. "It's not safe here. Go home, get some rest. We'll need you tomorrow.''

In Liam's borrowed threads, I step into the private ward. There she is, Addy, asleep but hauntingly pale. An IV, dry lips. My heart clenches at the sight. Helpless, angry, and utterly desperate for her to wake up from this nightmare.

I lean down, kiss her forehead. 'Wake up, Blue. I need you,' I whisper. I swear, seeing Addy in that office- I felt scared and vulnerable, it's like the world dropped out beneath me. Helplessness has a way of tearing through tough exteriors.


Addy's painful whimper yanks me to full alert. Sleep's gone. I hit the button for the doctor. With gentle care, I assist Addy to sit up. "How are you feeling?" The room bathed in soft light, her tired eyes tell a story of the night's ordeal.

Addy manages a weak smile, ''You look awful,'' she says. Even in the aftermath, her sass shines through. Guess that's her way of saying, 'We made it through the night, didn't we?' Before I can fire back at Addy's sass, the doctor swoops in. ''Any pain?'' he asks her. As they delve into medical talk, I'm just grateful she's awake, sass and all.

Addy replies to the doctor, ''Head's throbbing, body's sore.'' The doc, all calm, says he'll prescribe painkillers. ''Fainted from fear and exhaustion,'' he adds. ''But you're fine now.'' The doc leaves, and Addy's eyes follow him out. ''Why so silent?''she asks, her vulnerability cutting through. ''Say anything.''

I reply, vulnerability lacing my words, "What do you expect me to say, Addy? Do you have any idea how scared I was? Why keep it all from me?" Addy's apology hangs in the air, "I'm sorry, Asher. I was scared you'd judge me, see me differently."

I reply softly, "Blue, I could never see you differently. You're not alone in this, okay? We face it together." Addy, with a teasing glint, asks, "Were you crying, Asher?" A playful attempt to ease the tension.

"Alright, fine, you caught me," I admit. "You're the only person in the world who could make me cry. Because, dammit, I'm scared of losing you, Blue."

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