Chapter 61

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Sitting at my desk, I stared at the design on my screen, but my mind kept wandering

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Sitting at my desk, I stared at the design on my screen, but my mind kept wandering. It wasn't that the project wasn't interesting-it was just that I had bigger things on my mind. Namely, how I was going to tell Asher that we were about to have a baby. The thought alone made my stomach flutter with a mix of excitement and nerves.

I tapped my pen against the desk, my brain racing with ideas. How do you reveal something like this? Do I go for a grand gesture or something more intimate? I knew Asher would be over the moon, but I wanted to make it special, something he'd remember forever.

As I sketched out a few design ideas, I simultaneously jotted down a list of possible surprise ideas. I considered the usual suspects-dinner with a surprise announcement, a baby-themed gift, maybe even a cake with "We're Expecting!" written in icing. But none of those felt quite right.

I paused, glancing out the window at the city below. Asher and I weren't exactly traditional, so why should the reveal be? I decided I needed to think outside the box, something that reflected us as a couple. It had to be personal and meaningful.

An idea began to form in my mind, something that combined our love of music and our shared history. I couldn't wait to see Asher's reaction, but I had to play it cool for now. I tucked my notes away and refocused on the design in front of me, trying to act like I wasn't bursting with excitement. But deep down, I knew that once I had the perfect surprise, it would all be worth it. Asher had no idea what was coming, and I couldn't wait to see his face when he found out.


Lily offered to drop me off at home, and I took her up on it. As we drove through the city, the idea of surprising Asher with the news of our upcoming addition kept playing in my mind. I wanted it to be perfect, and I figured some flowers might help set the mood.

We stopped at a florist, hoping to find some nice blooms for Asher and for Lily to get some for Liam. But as we walked through the shop, nothing seemed quite right. The roses looked a bit too traditional, and the lilies were past their prime. I sighed, not wanting to settle for something less than perfect. Lily shared my sentiment, her disappointment mirroring mine.

"Let's try another place," she suggested, and I nodded, feeling grateful for her enthusiasm. We hopped back in the car, heading to another florist across town. On the way, we chatted about the surprise reveal and brainstormed ideas for how to make it extra special. Lily was always great at this sort of thing, her creativity and excitement making the whole process feel like a fun adventure.

The second florist had a better selection. We found a beautiful arrangement with vibrant colors and a mix of flowers that felt just right. I picked out a bouquet for Asher, something that I hoped would brighten his day, and Lily chose a simple yet elegant bunch for Liam. Satisfied with our finds, we headed back to the car, both of us buzzing with anticipation. The drive home was filled with laughter and excited chatter, and I couldn't wait to see how Asher would react to the surprise.

As Lily and I drove home, something felt off. There were road diversion signs everywhere, blocking our usual routes. I didn't remember seeing them this morning, and the uneasiness settled deep in my stomach. Lily reached for her phone, trying to call Liam for a safer way home, but before she could get through, everything went wrong.

A truck barreled into us from the side, the impact jolting the car with a sickening crash. I instinctively clutched my belly, my first thought racing to the baby. The force threw me against the door, and I could hear Lily shouting, but the words were a blur through the ringing in my ears. The airbags deployed, puffing up like suffocating clouds around us.

Lily quickly reached for me, her voice laced with concern. "Addy, are you okay?" I could see the fear in her eyes, but she was keeping it together for both of us. I nodded, my breath shaky, my hands instinctively wrapped around my belly.

We needed to get out of the car, but everything felt distorted and surreal. I could smell smoke and hear distant sirens, but the sound that sent chills down my spine was the unmistakable clanging of a truck door opening. I looked through the shattered windshield and saw Mason-Mason of all people-jumping out of the driver's side, his expression cold as he walked towards us.

"Lily," I said, my voice trembling with fear, "that's Mason." The shock and panic were palpable, but Lily's grip on my arm tightened, her eyes darting around for an escape route. It felt like we were trapped, and the man responsible for all our worst fears was walking right toward us.

Mason kicked the door open, the impact rattling the car, and before I knew it, he had a firm grip on my arm. He yanked me out with such force that I stumbled, barely keeping my balance. Panic shot through me, my heart racing as he started dragging me away. My eyes darted around, searching for a way out, when I saw Lily out of the corner of my eye. She'd managed to escape and was running towards me, her expression fierce.

But then Maya came out of nowhere, like a shadow with a rod. She swung it, hitting Lily square on the head, and my best friend dropped to the ground, unconscious. The world seemed to blur at that moment, the sounds around me fading as my pulse roared in my ears. I felt a wave of dread, my thoughts turning to Asher. Where was he? Would he know something was wrong? Would he come in time?

Mason's grip tightened, his fingers digging into my arm. He was muttering something, but I couldn't make out the words. All I could think about was Lily lying on the ground, and the hope that Asher would find me, that he would somehow sense the danger and come to the rescue.

I prayed silently, my heart heavy with fear. As Mason dragged me further from the car, I clutched my belly, my mind racing with worst-case scenarios. It was all I could do to keep moving, hoping that Asher would arrive before things got even worse. The night seemed darker, the shadows deeper, and I needed my husband more than ever.

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