Chapter 2

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The next morning they woke up wrapped in each other's arms. They both could have stayed that way forever; unfortunately Victor had some major planning to do that day if he wanted everything to be perfect for Valentine's Day which was the next day. He couldn't wait to give Nikki her surprise. He just knew she was going to love it. Placing a soft kiss on her lips without waking her just yet, Victor slipped out of bed and got dressed and headed downstairs. He thought he would give Nikki a pre-Valentine's gift of breakfast in bed.

When he had finished with preparing breakfast, he placed everything on a tray and headed back upstairs. Carefully slipping back into their bedroom, he saw Nikki still peacefully sleeping. Victor made his way over to the bed and sat the tray down on the nightstand then sat down on the bed beside Nikki. After watching Nikki sleep a few moments, Victor leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, but with enough "oomph" to wake her up. Victor smiled as Nikki's eyes began to flutter open. When Nikki finally awoke and locked her eyes on Victor she smiled as well. "Good Morning," Nikki said.

"Good Morning my pretty blues eyes. How'd you sleep?" Victor lovingly asked.

"Wonderfully. Someone wore me out last night," Nikki said winking. "What are you already doing up and dressed? Apparently you did not get as wore out as I did."

"Oh quite the opposite my darling, you gave me quite the workout last night that I slept like a baby, but I had to get up and take care of something," Victor stated.

"And what may I ask was so important that you couldn't sleep in with your wife?" Nikki asked teasingly.

Reaching over, Victor grabbed the tray of all Nikki's favorite breakfast things, a rose and a note and placed it in front of her. "Although I would definitely have loved to have slept in with my beautiful wife, I thought she might enjoy breakfast in bed this morning," Victor adoringly said.

Nikki was speechless. Victor never ceased to amaze her. Noticing the note attached to the rose, she picked it up and began to read,


Would you do me the honor of joining me for a Valentine's dinner tomorrow night at 8:00 in the private dining room of the GCAC? I promise it will be a night of surprises.

Love, Victor

When Nikki was done reading, she looked up and smiled, with tears beginning to roll down her cheeks she set the tray aside and reached for Victor. Nikki wrapped her arms around Victor's neck and pulled him closer to her. Victor wrapped his arms around her waist gently and laid her down on the bed. Before he got the chance she closed the distance between them. They could not get close enough and their kisses only intensified. Victor's lips found their way to her neck. When both were out of breath from the passion that was burning inside them, Victor, catching his breath, teasingly asked, "So is that a yes?"

"Of course it's a yes. There is nothing I would rather do more than spend Valentine's Day with my wonderful, handsome husband," Nikki replied giving him a peck on the lips.

"Great. Well I need to go take care of some last minute details before tomorrow night so I am going to leave to do that and let you enjoy your breakfast and I will see you later this evening my baby," Victor said giving Nikki one last kiss before heading off to finish planning Nikki's surprise.

Nikki finished her breakfast and got up and took a shower then got dressed. Not planning on going anywhere, Nikki slipped on one of Victor's button-up shirts and a pair of jeans and headed downstairs to take care of a few things around the house.

Meanwhile, outside of the house someone was watching. "I will have you all to myself soon Nicole. You, me and our son will be the family we should have been all those years ago," the mysterious man stated.*

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