Chapter 20

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About 30 minutes had past and the guys were not back nor had they heard anymore gunshots, but everyone who remained in the house was getting restless and nervous. "What could possibly be taking so long?" exclaimed Abby who had been pacing back and forth the entire time.

"I don't know Abby...but can you try to stay calm for mom's sake...the stress is not good for her" Victoria stated trying to calm her sister.

"Sorry" mumbled Abby then she looked over at her mother who was still resting with her head on Noah's shoulder looking like she could either fall asleep or have a complete breakdown "I just don't understand why they are taking so long and it isn't like we have heard anymore gunshots" Abby replied this time whispering only to Victoria, but about the time Abby finished her sentence something wrung in all their ears that no one could deny they heard. Gunshots. They all got down on the floor as they had before, Noah pulled Nikki down in front of the couch and they all waited for the gunfire to stop that seemed like it went on forever. Still hearing shots outside they heard the front door open and slam, it was Billy and Tyler, who came over and took cover with their spouses.

Dreading the answer, but needing to ask "Where are the others?" asked Sharon who was holding onto Faith and Summer.

"They were right behind us they should be here any second" Billy informed as he hugged Victoria and the boys.

Just then the front door opened and slammed again. They all peered around to see that it was Dylan and Nick. "Oh thank goodness" exclaimed Sharon as Nick came rushing to her arms. Dylan ran to Avery as well.

Even though Nikki seemed to have been in another world this entire time, she perked up when she saw Victor was not with them "Where is Victor?" Nikki asked as she heard a few more gunshots then they stopped. Now she was starting to panic.

"He..." Nick hesitated.

"He what Nicholas?" Nikki pressured him to finish.

"He...kind of got separated from us...he spotted Ian and went after him while the rest of us took care of the other guys...I don't know where he went" Nick reluctantly informed her. "But I'm sure he is fine mom and will be back here any moment" Nick added.


Meanwhile outside, Ian stood over what appeared to be a bleeding to death Victor. "Now no one can stand in my way of getting to Nikki and my son and having the life we should have had together" Ian told Victor then headed back towards the ranch leaving Victor to die.

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