Chapter 14

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Even though they didn't get a lot of sleep both Nikki and Victor slept well enough during the few hours they got to be up and at 'em bright and early on a Saturday morning. Of course they really didn't have much of a choice because Victor wanted to up the security on the ranch as soon as possible and Nikki needed to finish up the last minute details for Dylan's party tomorrow.

By lunch time Nikki had finally gotten almost everything done for the party when she heard a knock at the door. Not having any idea of who it might be she opened the door to find Summer and Faith. "What a wonderful surprise! My two beautiful granddaughters, what brings you two by?" Nikki exclaimed as she wrapped them in a tight hug and ushered them in.

"Well Dad and Sharon wanted to have a day to their selves so I offered to take Faith and then asked Faith what she wanted to do today and that it could be anything she wanted and she chose for us to spend the day with our grandparents which I thought was a fantastic idea since I knew you might need some help with Uncle Dylan's party," Summer informed her grandma with a smile, but Nikki noticed a little hint of sadness in her voice and promised herself to find out what that was about. Meanwhile Faith was standing there with the biggest grin on her face looking so excited to spend the day with her grandparents.

"So is it okay Grandma? For us to spend the day here...and maybe the night?" Faith asked almost whispering the last part and almost not being able to contain herself.

"Of course it is ok for you to spend the day here. I would never pass up the chance to spend time with my beautiful granddaughters. As for spending the night I would love that and I know your Grandpa would too, but we will have to check with your Mom and Dad later to see if it is ok," Nikki explained also full of excitement to have her granddaughters for the day and maybe night. At this Faith ran at her Grandma who barely had time to open her arms and catch her granddaughter.

"Easy Faith. We just got here we don't want to put Grandma in the hospital first thing," joked Summer.

"Haha very funny, I'm still young enough to whoop your tail," Nikki fired back as she carried Faith over to the couch. Summer followed. "So my gorgeous girls what is it you want to do?" Nikki asked.

"Well we thought we would help with Dylan's party but it appears you have everything under control so..." Summer replied.

"Well we can go for a ride, watch a movie, play a game, bake som..." Nikki started naming things off but Faith cut her off with her own idea.

"I know what we can do" Faith almost screamed.

"And what is that?" Nikki asked very curious as to what her granddaughter had in mind.

"Can we finish looking at those photo albums that we started looking at when I was here the last time? I really wanted to finish looking at them. I liked seeing Daddy and Mommy and you and Grandpa and everybody when they were younger. Please Grandma!" Faith begged.

"Sure we can my angel. Is that okay with you sweetheart...Summer?" Nikki asked Summer.

Summer was staring off into space in another world then came out of her daze when she heard her Grandma and said "Oh yeah...yeah whatever Faith wants to do." Clearly her mind was somewhere else and Nikki was going to find out.

"Okay then...Faith will you go get the albums out of the storage room and if you need help just ask Bonnie," Nikki tried to inform her before she took off.

Summer started to follow her sister to help but Nikki stopped her, "Summer can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Sure Grandma... What's up?" Summer replied as she sat back down still appearing to be in her own little world.

"Is there something wrong angel? You seem to be a tad bit distracted. Do you want to talk about it?" Nikki asked trying not to force her.

Coming out of her daze, "What...No...Nothing's wrong," Summer said trying to convince herself and her Grandma.

"Don't lie to me. I know you and I know when something is bothering you. Please talk to me. You know you can talk to me about anything right?" Nikki assured her.

Summer nodded trying to decide whether to open up or not finally she decided on the former, "It's really nothing...Me and Kyle broke big deal" she said trying to pass it off like it didn't bother her, but Nikki knew better especially when Summer turned her head to look the other way to avoid making eye contact.

Reaching up, Nikki softly turned Summer's face back towards her to find tears running down her face, "Oh sweetheart..." Nikki cried taking her granddaughter in her arms and allowing her to cry on her shoulder, "It's okay...let it all out...I know it hurts, you don't have to act tough in front of me...shhh it will be okay angel," Nikki said as she rubbed Summer's back trying to sooth her.

After a few moments, Summer stopped crying and pulled away "Sorry I got your top all wet," Summer said trying to lighten the mood.

"It's okay it can be washed," Nikki assured her, "all I'm worried about is you."

"I'm okay Grandma...much better now because of you...thanks for that...letting me cry...and not badgering me for details...It just hurts you know, he was the first guy I ever loved or at least thought I loved," Summer replied.

"Sweetheart I completely understand you don't have to explain to me. I just want you to know that it is all going to be okay, I'm always here when you need me and most importantly I love you," Nikki stated.

"Thanks Grandma. I love you too," Summer replied and hugged her Grandma. As they pulled away Faith made her way back into the living room with photo albums in hand and Bonnie right behind her with more.

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