Chapter 12

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When they finally were "clean", both dried off , which also took a little longer than planned since Victor insisted on drying Nikki off for her, they both got ready for dinner.

Victor having gotten ready before Nikki headed downstairs to check that all the food was ready. Nikki continued getting ready having picked out one of Victor's old red shirts (as to his request), a pair of (tight) old blue jeans and her favorite pair of black riding boots. Once she was ready she made her way downstairs to find Victor.

"Victor...Victor...Darling where did you go?" Nikki called once she was in the living room. Then she heard the front door close and turned to find Victor standing there in a black long sleeve shirt tucked into tight blue jeans and topped off with the black riding boots she had bought him for Christmas. "I am one lucky woman...I am married to the sexiest man alive," Nikki thought. "Where did you go?" Nikki asked as she walked over to him.

Leaning in to give his wife a kiss on the cheek, Victor replied, "I was just checking to see if everything was ready. Are you ready to eat?"

"Yes, I'm starving. Someone made me work up an appetite," Nikki said with a smile.

Taking her hand he pulled her with him as they headed out the door towards the barn. "I thought we were going to eat first before going riding? I really am hungry I wasn't joking," Nikki said a little disappointed.

"We are eating first. Just be patient," Victor promised as he kept hold of Nikki's hand pulling her with him.

When they got to the doors of the barn, Victor stopped causing Nikki to stop as well. Turning around to face her, Victor told her, "Close your eyes."

"Why?" Nikki asked curiously.

"Just close your eyes and you will find out," Victor said with a huge grin.

Nikki gave in and finally closed her eyes then Victor turned to open the barn doors and then turned back to take Nikki's hands in his and pulled her through the doors. When Victor got her inside the barn he said, "Ok my darling you can open your eyes."

The first thing Nikki saw when she opened her eyes was Victor but then she took in her surroundings. The barn was lite up by cascading strands of light and candles, the floor was covered in rose petals leading to a beautifully arranged table set with the food Chef had prepared for them. It was breath-taking. "Victor...I don't know what to's beautiful, I can't believe you had time to do all this," Nikki told him.

"Well my darling you were asleep for a while but I also had some help from the staff," Victor told her. "Are you ready to eat?"

"Yes," Nikki quickly said. Victor and Nikki hand in hand made their way over to the table and enjoyed the delicious meal prepared for them.

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