Second Dragon on the Team Ryuto Style!

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Ryuto Pov

We were in the Mele'mele jungle with Ash who was still trying to catch a Pokémon like Kukui asked him to and he was battling a grubbin, after weakening it he threw it with a pokeball as it the ball shook making us all watch in suspense

Kiawe: will he catch it? The girls watched in suspense

Ryuto: I don't know, it was weak so this could go either way... I watched with a sweat drop of my face with Jangmo-o hanging on my shoulder as we watched but suddenly the grubbin broke out and burrowed into the ground instantly

Mallow: too bad.

Lana: he was so close. Ash then told pikachu to get ready to attack as they followed the disturbance in the dirt but the grubbin suddenly burst from the ground right by Lillie making he hide behind Mallow with a scream

Mallow: you sure know how to get scared. Her face was embarrassed making Lillie blush slightly

Lillie: I am not scared! I love to research Pokémon! It's just I...

Ryuto: duck! I crouched down as the Gribbin used a string shot that launched over my head and in between the group as it shared Pikachu and attacked him before burrowing once more

Ash: he ran up to Pikachu are you okay? Pikachu weakly cried out as ash picked him up

Rotom: confirming damage, confirming damage.

Ryuto: poor little guy... I kneel down by ash looking at Pikachu

Jangmo-o: Jang... his eyes droop to a sad look

Lillie: I'm so sorry.

Mallow: I'll take you to a Pokémon centre now! Ash stands up while cradling Pikachu in his arms

Ash: a Pokemon center would be great, so, lead the way, Mallow! And don't you worry Lillie

Ryuto: let's move out, Ash! We ran off towards the Pokémon Center with Mallow but I didn't notice that I was being watched from the overgrowth

Goomy Pov

The little Pokémon peered out of the bushes and watched Ryuto with hearts replacing its eyes and a sparkly aura around it

Goomy: Goomy, Goo! It slid off following them

Y/n Pov

We made it to the Pokémon Center and nurse joy welcomed us as they carted Pikachu off on a stretcher

Rotom: the Pokémon center is a place where you can heal you're Pokémon and restore its strength and treat any status conditions. He took a picture of Joy updating nurse Joy. He took a picture of some nearby statues updating info.

Ryuto: heh, you really like taking pictures huh? I look up at Rotom Dex while petting Jangmo-o

Ash: hey, RotomDex, that Pokémon, who is it? He looks over at the comfey

Rotom Dex: let's see! He takes a picture Comfey, the posy picker Pokémon. A fairy type, it release a relaxing scent from the flowers it picks. The scent has a healing effect and can cure status conditions. The comfey flies over putting a flower necklace on ash making him become relaxed and happy

Ash: ah. It's the perfect assistant for nurse joy.

Mallow: Blissey's perfect to!

Rotom Dex: A correct assessment. Blissed, the happiness Pokémon. A normal type, when it senses someone sad with its fur, it will rush over no matter how far and share it's lucky egg that brings a smile to everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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