Guardians Challenge

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3rd Pov

We see Ryuto and Jangmo-o sitting boredly in class at the Pokémon school while everyone else beside Kiawe who wasn't there was busy with their hobbies or playing with their Pokémon

Ryuto: when do we get to train!? He sighed while Jangmo-o sat on his head, but Kiawe then walked in

Kiawe: Alola. Everyone looked at him

Mallow: Alola. Did you have a delivery this morning?

Kiawe: Yeah. To Ula'ula island.

Ryuto: Ula'ula? That's like a forever away. He sat up with Jangmo-o still on his head as he turned his head to look at Kiawe

Kiawe: with charizard it takes no time at all. Ryuto scoffed as he imagined himself riding on an awesome dragon type like a Dragonite or a Garchomp

Kukui: Alola! He walked in with ash following behind him as everyone else greeted as well

Ryuto Pov

While looking closer something was shining on ashes wrist making me look even closer seeing a Z-ring on ashes wrist with a Z-crystal in it

Ryuto: "huh!? How's he get that!?" Ash and Kukui stood in the front of the class as Ash happily greeted

Kukui: starting today Ash will be joining us at the Pokémon school. If he has any questions, please don't hesitate to help him out.

Ash: see, I really want to become a Pokémon master and learn everything about this place. Glad to be here! His pikachu happily cried out as he smiled as well. Afterwards everyone was standing with Ash by the balcony talking to him

Ryuto: how'd you get that!? I lean closely to his wrist you got a Z-band and a crystal in just a day?

Kiawe: yeah, you didn't participate and pass the trials that I know of.

Ash: he looked at his wrist Tapu Koko gave it to me. Everyone was surprised at what he said

Ryuto: Tapu Koko!? How did you see it twice?

Ash: pikachu and I heard Tapu Koko's voice, so we took off after it. Ryuto looked back at Kukui who interested face when we found Tapu Koko, this thing just came floating down to us. Yep, right out of the sky

Pikachu: pika!

Ryuto: how did he get a Z-ring? And why did it give it to you? He stood in thought while looking at Jangmo-o on my shoulder who head butted me lightly

Mallow: and then? They leaned closer at the Z-band

Ash: it felt like Tapu Koko was telling me that the ring was for me...and that's how it all happened! The others Gasp while Ryuto clenches his fists and walks out of the class

Kukui: hey where are you going?

Ryuto: somewhere. I leave the classroom and end up on the grounds as he stands looking out to the jungle "why did it pick him? He's not even an islander..." Jangmo-o nuzzles my cheek but I just give him a feeble smile

Jangmo-o: Jangmo? Jang. He looks at Ryuto worriedly

Ryuto: I'm fine. It's just.... I look out into the distance looking at the large mountain while holding my necklace tightly

Flashback (year before he found jangmo-o so his five)

We see a stormy sea and waves crashing and swaying wildly, on the ocean is a small raft with a little boy on it shivering and with a heavy fever as he weakly calls for help from anyone

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