Chapter Fourteen

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"I propose we head north this afternoon and go as far as we can. We make camp as close as possible to the city before we attack." Lae'zel's plans were laid out in front of us. "We attack in the early morning when they least expect." 

"You don't think they'll be out patrolling by then?" Gale asked.

"Trolls and goblins, out in the early morning?" Shadowheart laughed. "It's more likely to see a vampire out in the sun."

We all looked at Astarion.

"Well," Shadowheart said, "maybe that wasn't the best example, but the point is that it's extremely unlikely." 

"Do we know how long the road will be?" I asked. The heat was going to get to us within a few hours if we weren't prepared. 

Wyll stepped forward. "The walk, if we keep a moderate pace, shouldn't take more than a day. I bet we could reach it by nightfall if we left in the next hour."

"Then that settles it." I met eyes with all of my comrades. "Pack up only essentials. We leave on the hour." 

Gale gave a salute. "Aye aye, captain!" 

When I laughed, Astarion caught my eye, his lips turned down in a nasty frown. I started toward him, but Gale placed his hand on my arm, stopping me. I looked up and met his sweet smile with one of my own, but I couldn't help but wonder what he wanted me for. 

"Before we go, I wanted to talk to you," Gale said. His tone was casual, letting me know that whatever he needed to talk about wasn't going to be anything worrisome. 

"Of course, Gale. What do you need?" I asked. While I suspected that I shouldn't encourage Gale, some darker part of me leaned in to his touch, hoping that Astarion was still watching. 

"I uh, was hoping you'd join me this evening. There's something I wanted to show you." His molten eyes were wide with hope and I was instantly stabbed with regret. 

"Actually, Gale, there's something I should probably tell you ..." I began, but he plowed on. 

"It's nothing too weird or crazy. I have this telescope that I'd love for you to see. If that's not your cup of tea, I understand."

I sighed, very relieved. "Of course, I'd love to. I'll see you tonight." 

Gale grinned, a blazing, beautiful smile, and went back to his cot to organize his pack for today's adventure. While I didn't consider a telescope a necessity, I wasn't going to tell Gale that he can't take his most prized possession. Especially if it was going to be our last night all together. Or alive, for that matter. Once we rescued Halsin, there was a decent chance that he would be able to heal us from these parasites, and then we would all go our separate ways. 

When my small bag was packed, I grabbed the charcoal and pages and sat off to the side of camp, watching the others mingle and pack and walk about. I drew Shadowheart and Karlach sitting side by side, both of them staring while the other looked away. I drew Wyll's flawless parry and Lae'zel's victorious grin as she bested him. I drew Gale, holding two large books between his hands, deciding which one he needed to bring on our little adventure. 

"First you're laughing at his inane jokes and now you're drawing scribbles of him. What's next, a wild night of magical theories and storytelling?" Astarion's voice drew me out of the details of my sketches. 

"I'll have you know, I've drawn everyone in camp, not just Gale," I replied, then yelped as Astarion plucked the papers from my hands, holding them to the light to inspect them. "I know they're not very good, and I haven't practiced in a long time, but I'll have you know that I've worked hard on those and I'd appreciate it if you'd give them back," I complained, standing up and reaching for my drawings. 

"Where am I?" Astarion asked. He shuffled through the papers once, twice, and looked at me. "Seems unfair to not draw the one person who can't look at their reflection any time they please." 

"I want to paint you," I said. "I don't believe my charcoal work would do your image justice, but with the proper paints, maybe then I could give you something." 

"How will you know how to paint me if you don't practice drawing me first?" Astarion stepped closer and handed me the sketches. "I want to know what I look like through your eyes, Tav."

Before I could answer, Lae'zel's voice was commanding our departure. I stuffed the drawings in my cot and grabbed my bag of food and small knives. The others did the same and we began walking north, toward the Goblin City, and toward the cure for our tadpoles. 

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