Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Her tear-filled eyes crinkled in the corners as she laughed, lighting up the entire room with her smile. Tav sniffled and wiped at her face while I continued to admire the portrait of me, shirtless, and sporting a lovely smile. It was exquisite. One of the first gifts I had ever received in my vampiric life - and it was perfect. 

I took a few steps and set the painting down against the wall. Turning to Tav, I leaned in close and held her chin in my hands. 

"My dearest love, why the tears?" I brushed a thumb across her cheekbone to wipe away a stray tear. 

"This has been such a perfect day, Astarion," she began. "I think I'm just overwhelmed and a bit exhausted and maybe a little starving." Tav stood on her tiptoes and kissed me, lightly. "What say we open a bottle and find some food?" 

"Say no more," I said, feeling my heart ache at her admission. I led her out of the art room, down the hall, and eventually we found ourselves in the dining hall. I grabbed one of Cazador's - no, my - servants, and requested dinner service. In the center of the room was a grand Mahagony table that could seat at least twenty, with delicate designs carved into the wood. I pulled out the head seat for Tav, and when she hesitated, I gave her a deep bow.

"Ladies first," I said. 

When she understood my actions, Tav attempted a curtsey and sat in the chair. I took the seat next to hers. 

"I don't think I'll ever get used to servants," she said. 

"Think of it this way," I offered. "These poor souls have been under the command of Cazador for years. Now, they have a benevolent and brilliant me in charge of them. We keep them fed, clothed and housed, and in return ask only for their services." 

"Well, when you put it that way ..." Tav tapped her chin thoughtfully. 

"I promise you, Tav, they'll grow to love you, and you them," I told her. 

Soon after, a young elven man approached the table, steaming plates in his hand. We ate course after course, drinking from the same bottle of blood and discussing our busy days. 

"Are you going to throw a ball?" She asked, eyes wide with excitement. 

"It will be planned within the month. I'll send out invitations and you will have to get a dress," I stated. 

"A dress?" 

"Yes, of course, love," I replied. "I may be skilled with a needle and thread, but with how busy I'm going to be, the best option is for you to see a tailor. Baldur's Gate is full of small shops that would work. You find the place and I'll give you all the gold necessary." I grinned at her. "We can explore tomorrow while we look for an art shop for yourself."

I spent the evening drunk on blood and off the glow that emanated from Tav as she told me of her adventures this afternoon. The food we ate was exquisite and I was full to the brim. When I stood from my chair, I swayed, and gripped the handles of my ornate chair to catch myself. 

"Astarion? Are you alright?" Tav reached toward me and looped one of her arms through mine. 

I nodded. "The room is only slightly spinning. I'll be just - hiccup - just fine."  

"Are you drunk?" She asked, incredulous. The laugh that burst from her lips had me grinning ear to ear. I leaned forward, completely using her to support myself, and placed a wet kiss on her mouth. Gods, she tasted good. I kissed her once more. And again. My hands traveled up her arms and wound themselves in her mane of curly hair. I felt and heard her moan against my lips and my cock hardened, demanding my attention. 

"Can we go to bed?" I kissed along her jaw, my words melting into her skin. 

Tav pulled away from me slowly and I stared as she bit her lip. I felt the need growing and spreading through all of my limbs and I ached to touch her more. When I reached for her waist, she caught my hand and held it still. 

"What's wrong, love?" I brought her hand to my mouth and kissed it. When she met my gaze with a troubled expression, I paused my advances. "Tav?" 

"This feels strange," She mumbled, looking away. "I think we should wait until you're a bit less intoxicated." 

"Oh. Alright then." I pulled away from her, instantly craving her touch, but grasping the awkwardness of the situation. My stomach began to churn. 

"I'm going to get ready for bed," Tav announced. She once again linked her arm through mine, only to steady my wobbling steps. We stumbled together through the halls, Tav, guiding me through dizzying doorways, and me, trying not to fret over the fact that she wanted to "wait." 

I'd been refused many things in life. A family, friends, loved ones. But never, had someone refused to have sex with me. 

I peered down at her face. 

The gnawing at my stomach grew more painful. I had been used for my body all of my vampire life - it's what made me useful to Cazador and appealing to all of my victims. Tav herself had admitted that my attractiveness was obvious to her when we first met. I knew I was desirable. So then why did her turning me down affect me so devastatingly? 

"Are you doing okay? We're almost to the room," She asked me. A small smile tugged at her lips as she looked up to me. Was she laughing at me?

"I'm doing just fine, darling," I replied, but looked toward the floor to avoid her pitiful smile. 

We reached the bedroom and Tav led me inside, my feet still unsteady. I stood alone in the center of the room while she closed and locked the door behind us. 

"Do you need help with anything?" she gestured to my shirt and boots. 

I shrugged away from her. "No. I'll get them just fine, thank you." 

"Oh. Okay." Tav backed away and slipped behind the folding screen in the corner. I could hear the hurt in her voice and immediately regretted using such a blatantly sarcastic tone with her. I shrugged off my shirt and, with great difficultly, untied the laces on my boots. Plopping down on one side of the bed, I silently watched Tav wander into the bathroom for a few minutes. I closed my dizzy eyes and fell onto the pillows. As I lay there, anxiety filled my chest. Was Tav overwhelmed by our new situation? Was she falling ill? Or worse, was she having second thoughts? 

Gale's smirking face popped to mind, and I angrily swatted him away. 

"What are you hitting the air for?" Tav's voice echoed through the quiet room. 

"I thought I saw a bug. I was merely bidding him adieu," I half mumbled before letting my arms fall down to my sides. 

She gave me a strange look and went to the other side of the bed, lifting the covers and tucking herself in. I wanted to spoon her warm body and slip my arm around her waist, but I held myself down, reminding myself that she had requested some space. So, I turned to my side and she turned to hers, and we stayed still the rest of the night.

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