Part 1: The Awakening

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(In Fake City Gamma, in Late November)

The sounds of panting could be heard in the deserted streets of the fake city which was property of UA, standing shakily on the street while sweating profusely was none other than Izuku Midoriya of class 2-A.

The seventeen year old was training hard as per usual trying his best to gain more control over his quirk One for all, to train himself he had been using full cowling for the past two hours and just now finally took a break, however that wasn't the only reason for his training as of late.

Being a healthy young male he had certain cravings like any other, but due to his closed and isolated life due to being quirkless until barely a year and a half ago he had bottled it all up and started training hard to burn it off.

However recently it's been different, something had changed and for the life of him he couldn't seem too get that strange craving to go away no matter how much he trained himself into the ground, even now he could feel it gnawing at his mental barriers.

Shaking himself from his thoughts he had his hands on his knees leaning forward trying to catch his breath, after a couple minutes he had calmed his racing heart and relaxed his breathing, feeling thirsty he went over to his water bottle and phone.

Grabbing the bottle off the ground he drank the cold soothing water that moistened his dry throat, after which he turned and picked up his phone to check the time.

Izuku let out a grunt "It's twelve am, I trained for five hours on accident....again."

He sighed slightly depressed and wiped his face with his shirt, he set the phone back down and was about to turn and start doing some kicks but all of a sudden the world became fuzzy.

His vision started to blur and he saw double of everything, before he could think of what was happening his entire world turned sideways and he collapsed onto the street floor.

(Inside One For All)

His eyes fluttered open and he groaned with a horse voice, sitting up on shaky hands he tried his best to stand up but was pushed down by an unknown force on his shoulders.

Looking up he blinked and tried to understand why the hell a woman's breast were hanging over his head and had his face was basically buried into them.

His muffled scream of embarrassment rang out which caused the woman whose breast he was face first in to chuckle heartily at him "Oh gods he's a riot, Toshi did a great job in choosing him."

'Toshi?' Thought Izuku but then another voice rang out "Seriously Nana, that's the criteria for a good successor of One for all? Not, I don't know...good muscles for the quirk to work properly and not damage him?"

Izuku scrambled and got out from under the breast jumping away from the woman, in doing so he got a clear look at the two plus the others around them.

The woman he was now sure looked like a supermodel cosplaying a hero winked at him making him blush, but he quickly got over it and he looked over the others inspecting them head to toe.

They were all besides the one woman men in various heights and unique personalities if their clothes were anything to go by, Izuku was unsure if he was in some sort of cosplay dream or something due to how strange this whole situation was.

"W-who are you people? And where am I?" He asked still in his fighting stance.

For a second he looked away from the group of unknowns to the world around them, it was a sort of void with different colors from blues to purples and deep reds.

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