Part 8: Tomboys, Am I Right?

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Ryuko woke up sore, sticky with sweat covering her body, and her inner beast was for once in her life at ease. The usual feeling of wanting to garner treasures of value, be them people, items, money or something she found to be valuable.

She felt none of it, almost as if her dragon had been subdued for now and was resting, or was it content? She did not know the difference really, maybe it could be both.

Hearing the strong beat in her ear was relaxing, but she wondered where the sound was coming from, or what was the source of such a beautiful tune.

She lifted her head from the warm pillow to see a bare chest, a masculine chest and it all clicked in her head.

'I was tamed, utterly defeated until I gave my body to him under the vow of being his for the rest of eternity.' The dragoness thought.

Her thoughts warmed her chest as she smiled in tired joy, he had done it. For the first and only time in her life she had been defeated in her title of a dragon and was tamed by an ultimate alpha.

Izuku Midoriya the wolf to lay claim to her and turn her into his woman, she had no problem with it as she could now be loved and love her destined mate, she now had pack members as her lovers and family.

Laying her head back upon his chest she snuggled into his warmth, her reptilian cold blood warming up to his warm body and her nostrils filling with his scent.

"You're lookin pretty cozy there Ryu-chan."

Ryuko sighed bid did not open her eyes "Rumi, let me enjoy this please."

The now recognized Rumi huffed pushing the hair out of her face, she looked at her best friend with a smirk.

"That was one hell of a fight you two got into, you hurting anywhere?"

The dragoness let out a deep breath "A little, it's almost like I can still feel where he bit down on my wing."



"......Rumi.......did you hear that?"



Ryuko pushed herself up and her neck swiveled around to look at her back, and like she feared there were two large draconic wings attached to her back, but that wasn't all as there were was also a tail connected to her tailbone as well.

 Ryuko pushed herself up and her neck swiveled around to look at her back, and like she feared there were two large draconic wings attached to her back, but that wasn't all as there were was also a tail connected to her tailbone as well

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(Sorta like this, but obviously she's naked)

"......Rumi, I'm going to kill you."

Rumi raised an eyebrow and rested her head on her hands as she kicked her feet "Why? I wasn't the one to evolve your quirk."

Ryuko paused and stopped mid lunge "What do you.....oh I remember now. Recovery girl did say he could do that, I kind of forgot due to how horny I was at the time."

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