A Real Story

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I have a bracelet.

Well, more like a wristband, but still.

You know what I mean.

So, anyway.

I have a wristband.

It says Palestine on it. Followed by the Palestinian flag.

And it has a very interesting story.

So, my cousins went on a trip to Palestine and visited the West Bank. This was before the Hamas-Israel thing, btw.

In case you don't know, the West Bank, i.e. part of the unified state of Palestine, has been illegally occupied by the Israelites for around the past 80 years.

Anyway, there are lots of orphans in the West Bank. 

I don't think I need to say why. You don't have to be told to figure it out.

These orphans have lost their parents, their homes, their schools, food, water, friends, I could go on and on. And they rarely, if at all, see other people come.

The Israelis only allow tourists. Palestinians aren't welcome.

So, as soon as my cousins and aunt and uncle enter the street, they are immediately surrounded by children wanting to sell them things. 

My relatives had no cash on them. They'd given it all away beforehand.

So they said no.

Then one boy, a young boy, probably 10, came up to my cousin and put the wristband on her arm. When she told him they didn't have any cash, do you know what he said?

Do you know what he said?

He said that she could keep it. For free. As a gift.

And that is where it's heartbreaking.

He had nothing. Nothing.

Except for that wristband.

And he gave it away.

To strangers.

Who clearly were far better off than him.

We are so spoilt. Everyone who is reading this sentence, reading this book, on Wattpad, on their phone, in their home, is spoilt.

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