03 | His patient

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The last two days of Hazel's first week at Westfield were pretty uneventful. She mainly hung out with Sofia. She tries to see Violet as much as she can.

It was now Saturday, and Sofia was over at the home. Violet was out shopping somewhere. Hazel was showing Sofia around the home.

"Don't you feel weird living in Murder House?" Sofia asks. "I would be scared shitless"

Sofia was fully convinced the house was haunted. I mean, how could it not be? With how many people have died inside these walls, at least one soul had to be lingering around.

"I still don't believe in ghosts" Hazel responds. "I never have"

"How could you not? Have you not read the book about Amityville?" Sofia asks the brunette.

"I have" Hazel responds. "I think that when you put 'based on a true story' on anything people are bound to believe it"

Sofia simply sighed in defeat.

"Can I ask you something? You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to" Hazel asks.

Sofia gives her a knowing glance. "I dont mind talking about my brother, really"

"Tell me about him?" Hazel suggests.

"His name was Timothy. I never knew him that well. I was only one when he died. Fourteen years between us" Sofia says.

He was only fifteen.

"That guy is such a sicko. Anyone who would kill innocent people because they're unhappy with their own lives is just horrible" Hazel says.

"Happens more often than not" Sofia shrugs, and changes topic. "Have you seen a   car full of people drive by yet?"

"No?" Hazel questions. "Why would I?"

"Because this house is on a tour. The tour is basically showing people different places infamous murders took place" Sofia explains.

"Great, so everyone knows this house as the Murder House?" Hazel asks, annoyance lacing her words. Not towards Sofia of course, but at the simple thought that people will be gawking over the past of the house in a big car while Hazel is minding her own business.

Sofia cringes slightly before saying, "Yeah, pretty much"

"That's fun" Hazel replies sarcastically.

Later on after hanging out in her room for a bit, Sofia went home. Hazel walked her to the door and said her goodbyes.

As she's walking back to her room, she walks past her fathers office. She looks in and sees a blonde boy, who was pretty good looking in Hazel's eyes, sitting on the couch that was facing the door. Her father was sitting on the chair facing away.

The boy smiles a tight lipped smile, noticeable dimples showing. He waves a little and Hazel does the same, waving and smiling back.

Her father noticed that he was waving and shot his head around to look at the girl at the door.

"Sorry, Dad" Hazel says, making eye contact with the boy.

"It's alright, Hon, would you mind shutting the door?" Her father asks.

She nods and grabs the door handle. Glancing at the blonde on the couch once more. Hazel thought he was gorgeous. She gently shut the door and made her way back to her room.

At some point in the following half an hour, Hazel became bored out of her mind. She started unpacking more of her room. As she started hanging up different pictures and other things, she made a mental note to buy herself a small chalkboard. Hazel would have something to do when she's bored, and Violet would get a kick out of it. Win win.

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