15 | Hit and Run

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A knock from the bedroom door caused a sleeping Hazel Harmon to jump out of bed. For a few seconds, she had fallen asleep while waiting for Tates reply.


The realization hits her as she dives for her phone to see if Tate had answered her.

Tate :

I out ran them

Just some kids from my old school wanting to mess with me. Don't worry Haze.

Hazel sighed in relief as she quickly typed back

Hazel :

You freaked me out, Tate.

Come over tonight?

She put her phone down and finally decided to open her bedroom door. This revealed Violet standing in the hallway, fidgeting with her hands.

"Hm?" Hazel hummed.

"Uh, Constance just called. She wants us to go to her house" Violet responds.

Hazel furrows her brows in response. "Why?"

"Sacrifice us, obviously" Violet shrugs, turning around to Hazel with a grin.

Hazel shakes her head with a smile. "Funny till it happens"

Violet chuckled at the girls response and began walking down the hallway, Hazel following shortly behind.

After the walk down the road, Hazel gently knocked her knuckles against the woman's front door.

A teary eyed Constance opened the door. "Oh girls, I'm so glad you could come" The elder woman stated.

The twins returned with polite smiles.

"What is it, Constance?" Hazel finally questions.

Constance's features shifted. "Addy was in an accident"

Hazel looked immediately at her sister, who returned the gaze, before looking at Constance.

"That's horrible" Violet replies, her eyes displaying sympathy for the woman at the door.

"Now, why don't you two come in? I don't want you getting sick" Constance offers, opening the front door wider.

"Yeah" Hazel nodded as she stepped in, Violet following in line behind her.

Constance sits in a chair at the dining table, cigarette in hand.

"It was a hit and run" Constance states. "I 'spose it might have been for the best"

The three sat in silence for a few moments. The sounds of cars passing by and doorbells ringing were filling Hazel's senses. Violet was the one to break the silence.

"Constance, I'm so sorry" Violet said, her voice shaking with empathy as her eyes threatened to shed building tears.

"Well, you did encourage her. That's true" Constance recalls as she pours tea into a glass.

She was referencing the makeup they had done for Addy just a few hours ago. The thought landed in Hazel's chest, settling there. A dull pressure.

"You were just trying to be kind, weren't you?" Constance questions, not looking up from her tea.

Hazel and Violet both nodded solemnly.

"I was the one who sent her out into the world tonight" Constance stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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