Eustass 'Captain' Kid

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Halloween special 2023 – Kid

"NO FUCKING WAY, (Y/N)," Kid barked as he angrily stomped out of your bedroom and into the living room, loudly slamming the door in the process.

Another noise complaint from your cranky neighbours was already calling your name as you sat on the bed with your maid costume in hand, quietly sighing into the empty room.

Informing Kid about Nami's theme went about as well as you had expected it to.

It was Halloween night and Kid had been in a great mood all day. Finally, the day of the year where he could scare anyone shitless and destroy things for his enjoyment had come. Not that it had kept him from being a chaotic evil for the rest of the year, but on this day most people didn't complain, and he couldn't wait to destroy some stuff.

Halloween was Kid's Christmas, and by the sound of him grumbling angrily in the living room, you had just ruined it, and he handled it about as well as a child hearing that Santa wasn't real for the first time.

At least he hadn't started punching a wall –


Oh well, never mind. You weren't going to get your deposit back anyway. Wire was completely hammered on your house-warming party. For some reason he thought that rolling through the flat on a skateboard was a fun thing to do. Where exactly he got that skateboard from was still a mystery to you. It had appeared and vanished into thin air.

However, that wasn't the dumbest idea of the night. The dumbest idea was that you were all hammered and thought it was a fun thing to do. Well, your flat had more chipped off plaster than you were comfortable admitting to from Wire's encounters with the walls, and the new flooring had a few scratches too.

Who needed the money from the deposit back anyway, right? Definitely not the young couple with student loans that had just moved in together, with one party working a minimum wage job at a maid café and the other doing some car repair on the side?

Right? Right? Definitely not those people.

Haha...ha...ha...that joke would never be funny.

Dropping yourself back on the bed, you stared up at the ceiling.

You hadn't told Kid anything about Nami's theme until today as you couldn't break his heart in the days leading up to the holiday. Now, however, you wished you had as you felt a little guilty. He had to be informed either way, but you cowardly chose to postpone it as long as possible. Kid was going to fly off the handle anyway, that much you knew, but on any other day only his mood for the day would have been ruined, not his entire holiday.

Well, I guess it's time to apologise.

Pushing out a sigh into the room, you quickly rose from your bed and went into the living room. There, you found Kid exactly where you expected him to be. He was hunched over his own little workbench and was soldering away on his death robot for his underground robot matches.

The Victoria Punk. His little baby.

She – yes, she's a girl – had a large jaw at the front with razor sharp teeth that could seriously puncture the enemy robots. Her previous design had a magnet in the jaw that fried the motherboard of the enemy robot, but even underground robot fights had rules and now there was a new rule in honour of your favourite redhead.

No neodymium magnets stronger than 300-pound force.

Some say you haven't lived until there is a rule in place specifically because of you, and Kid had already achieved that.

A One Piece Halloween - Role Reversal (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now