Akagami Shanks

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Halloween special 2023 - Shanks

"Should I also wear your cat ears or just the maid costume?"

"Oh my God, Shanks," you half-whined half-laughed as you untied the sleeve of the left arm of the shirt you were currently holding in your hands. "Why are you so excited over it?"

The redhead looked himself over in the full-body mirror that hung on the inside of your bedroom door, even twirling in front of it with a goofy grin on his lips before he answered you, black eyes fixing on you through the mirror.

"(Y/N), I'm old enough to not give a fuck about these things anymore and honestly, it does look hella funny."

You had given Shanks one of your older maid costumes, and it looked....interesting...on him. He still looked like the sexiest man on earth to you, but part of you briefly questioned your sexuality as you felt sexually turned on from seeing him in your costume. Maybe it was just the confidence and humour that currently made you feel all fuzzy.

The black and white dress went about mid-thigh on him and he wore the sweet headband and the gloves that came along with your uniform. However, the rest Shanks was currently wearing was, for protocol, 100% his own choice.

He had found an old pair of cat ears that you had to wear during an event, and he decided that he just had to put them on. Why exactly he also insisted on wearing black tights was still a mystery to you, but he did have really nice legs in them.

Slipping on his dress shirt and his black cloak, you offered your lover a small chuckle as response. It did look hella funny. You then moved on to his patterned pants but skipped his dreaded sandals for a pair of your own sneakers. That man really had to be sexy if you accepted him wearing these shoes on an almost daily basis.

As soon as you were finished dressing yourself, you went up to the mirror, hip-checking Shanks out of the way in front of it as you also briefly looked yourself over.

Shanks clothes were much too large, the style was entirely off, and nothing fit you even remotely. Even with your eyes closed it looked off, and that meant something.

While your boyfriend looked like a buff maid with only one arm, you looked like the last time you had seen yourself in a mirror was...before your birth.

Your entire face scrunched up at the thought, but you dismissed your displeasure quickly. The outfit just had to get you into the party, and Nami's recipe for that matter, and from there you could just ignore your wardrobe catastrophe.

It wasn't like you were the only one wearing your partner's clothes and you for sure weren't the only person that looked ridiculous.

Pulling the belt around your hip a little tighter to keep the pants from falling down and full mooning the entire world, you flashed your lover a large smile.

"Let's go."

You were the only one that looked like an idiot.

Everyone else had managed to at least look halfway decent in their partner's clothes. Whether they had just chosen their outfit better, or whether the universe was cruel, you weren't sure. The outcome was the same anyway.

You had arrived rather quickly after you had left from home, fetching some alcohol along the way, and you couldn't help the sour expression that had crept on your face when even the salesclerk had looked at you funny.

Yes, you were very much aware that you looked horrible in this outfit, and no, you didn't need the entire world to continuously remind you of it.

You then headed straight to Nami's apartment, which wasn't far away, and when she initially saw the two of you, she collapsed on the floor laughing. She stayed there for about a minute or two, and her breakdown had gathered the attention of the other attendees, who followed her example promptly.

A One Piece Halloween - Role Reversal (Various x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now