Chapter Four

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Season one Episode three
Winning a battle, losing the war

Honey was now awake and trying to block out the yelling of her two new roommates

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Honey was now awake and trying to block out the yelling of her two new roommates. Honey let out a  groan as she heard, "George's room is bigger than mine!"

"I'm going to kill Meredith revive her and kill her again."

"I have more clothes, I should have the bigger room!"

George argues, "I got here first! My room is like two inches bigger than yours."

She could hear the multiple footsteps nearing as she finally decided to get out of bed and get dressed. Looking in her closet she was glad she did her laundry early.

"Oh, paintings would be nice," Honey heard she ignored her two roommates as she went into the bathroom, and started to brush her teeth.

"Good morning, Honey." George smiled, she waved at him before going back to brushing her teeth.

"Yeah!" Izzie exclaimed. "You guys have all this amazing stuff just packed away. In the back hall, I found this box with like a hundred tapes of your mother performing these amazing medical procedures."

George gasps, "Really? We should watch them! Meredith, do you want to watch-" He's cut off by Meredith entering the bathroom and slamming the door shut in their faces, after stealing Izzie's coffee.

George's muffled voice comes through the door,
"Meredith, do you want some privacy?"

Honey rolls her eyes, "George I am very pissed off back away from the fucking door!" She yells, from her view she watches Meredith sit on the floor, back against the closed door, sipping the coffee she stole.

"I say we kill them and run away together." She said as Meredith sighs.

Now at the hospital, the interns are all following Bailey around as she mutters things to herself, "Fools on bikes killing themselves

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Now at the hospital, the interns are all following Bailey around as she mutters things to herself, "Fools on bikes killing themselves. Natural selection is what it is."

Alex looked confused and looked toward Honey, "So what's up with the Nazi is she off her meds?"

"You've never heard of The Dead Baby Bar race?" Honey said to him.

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