II - the monster

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Just a few blocks away, Peter stopped swinging building to building. He carefully let the mercenary down and slowly climbed down the wall of the skyscraper himself.

"How is it glowing so much? Kinda pretty huh?" Deadpool looked at the direction where the light was coming from. "Well, probably nothing pretty behind that glimmer..." Being interested as well now, Spiderman was making his way around the corner. As they finally reached the monster, a blue, glowing giant octopus thing was holding a woman in it's tentacles.

"Damn, you could say that's some tentacle action right there!" Deadpool looked up to the thing, which was at least 3 floors high. "Dude, no!" Another scream came from the women, who was held hostage by the alien. "For fucks sake, do something already..." her eyes wandered over to Spiderman, as she had yelled at Deadpool "Please Spiderman, safe me~" Looking at each other, Peter couldn't help it but giggle. "Pfft, seems like I'm someones favorite!" He winked at Wade in a playful manner and shot a web towards the alien. "Ey! Let's just have the monster have her!" Deadpool, who was a little pissed off, yelled after Peter. "Nah, not gonna happen!"

He webbed his sticky strings around the alians tentacles, trying to glue them to it's body. "Take that, squidward!" He dodged the attacks of it's arms, as he tried to cut of the tentacle from the body, with the help of his spiderwebs. Deadpool, meanwhile, was on his way to try and cut other arms on the ground. "Aha! Gotcha, one of those Spongebob fans, probably just like the readers!" The merc chuckled and cut off one of the tentacles. "Wha- nevermind. Sometimes I forget you are crazy!" Breathing out playing pissed off, a 'hmpf' left his nostrils. "Crazy?! I was crazy once, they locked me in a room-" Annoyed, Peter shouted "not now Deapool!"

Finally, Peter was able to save the women from the monster. He caught her in midair, as she fell - with the arm - down to the ground. Frightened, the brunette had her arms wrapped around Peter's neck, trying to inhale his smell. "Please miss, refrain from doing so." As soon as he felt the ground under his feet, he let go of her, saving himself next. "Thank you great Spiderman!" The beauty winked with her right eye and was close, jumping Peter again. "Yeah don't mention it." He brushed her hands off and escaped to Wade, who was still cutting without sweating a breath. "You should go and get yourself somewhere save miss." Peter hurriedly swung himself up again, trying to get away from the women.

As he did so, he didn't notice, how a tentacle was already coming his way. The spider sense in Peter started tingling too late, he got grabbed by the alien, the women already gone, only Wade remaining, who could safe him.
It was hard for the brown haired hero, but he had to do it, to get Deadpools attention. "Wade, please help!"

He tried to wiggle himself out of the slimy embrace, but it was no use. The yelling got Wade's attention, who looked up to the trapped spider. "Who is calling my real name now? Huh Spiderman??" With a mighty jump, he made his way up, using his Katans like ice pickles, digging them in the aliens flesh.
As he came close enough to Spidey in needs, he sliced the tentacle from it's body, which made Spidey fall to the ground. Of course, being the spider that he is, he landed softly on the ground, Deadpool jumping down and landing right next to him.

"Wade!!" He yelled to the other guy. "What? I think there was definitely something between us~" clicking his toung, he glared at the merc. "Yeah like, your damn sword?!" Peter still could feel the brush of air, cutting right before his nose. "Well trust me Spidey, my third katana is much more dangerous ~" A smirk followed. Peter really didn't want to, but a chuckle escaped his lips.

"No never mind, let's finish this one here!" Just as he tried to dodge the next tentacle, he noticed Wade, who hadn't noticed it. A sight escaped Spideys lips, before he sacrificed himself, and pushed the merc out of the way. Once again he was the target of the monster, but this time the slime of the tentacles covered his whole body.


Well, another short chapter. But hey, it is something!~

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