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Ethan's POV
day one

The quiet rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl were the only sounds that filled the air around the cabin. The night had settled in, casting a tranquil spell over everything. Inside, the warm glow of candlelight danced across the wooden walls, casting flickering shadows.

I couldn't help but replay the events of the day in my mind. The way August's laughter had filled the forest, her eyes sparkling with mischief. And that kiss... it was like a revelation. Her lips against mine, soft and tender, had sent a surge of emotions coursing through me. As I sat by the window, gazing out at the moonlit trees, I couldn't ignore the question that nagged at me. Was this love? Or was it simply a yearning born out of loneliness?

My heart and mind seemed to be at odds, wrestling with a truth I wasn't quite ready to face.

The weight of my past experiences pressed upon me like a suffocating shroud. It wasn't just romantic relationships; it was a pattern that seemed to permeate every aspect of my life. Friends who only stuck around for the perks that came with being associated with me, family members who appeared during the highs and disappeared during the lows, and acquaintances who sought nothing more than to bask in the glow of the attention I garnered. It was a cycle of superficiality that left me questioning the authenticity of every connection I formed.

And then there were those who sought to possess my body, seeing it as a prize to be won, a notch on their belt of conquests. They never bothered to know the person behind the facade, never cared about the thoughts and feelings that lay beneath the surface. To them, I was merely a means to an end, a stepping stone to whatever self-serving goal they had in mind. Each encounter left me feeling hollow, a vessel drained of its essence, longing for a connection that transcended the physical.

But perhaps the most profound wounds were inflicted by those who claimed to love me, only to leave me shattered and heartbroken. The betrayal cut deep, a searing pain that seemed to linger long after the wounds had ostensibly healed. It wasn't just a matter of romantic entanglements; it extended to familial bonds and friendships as well. People I had trusted implicitly, who had held positions of significance in my life, had proven themselves to be little more than actors on a stage, playing their roles until it was time for the curtains to fall.

These experiences had etched a cautionary tale into the tapestry of my existence, a narrative that spoke of deceit, of exploitation, of the transient nature of human connections. It was a story that whispered in the recesses of my mind, casting doubt on every smile, every word of affection, every gesture of kindness.

It was a story that threatened to overshadow the potential for something genuine, something real, with August

In the kitchen, I prepared a candlelit dinner, every dish crafted with care. The aroma of roasted vegetables and seasoned chicken filled the cabin, mingling with the scent of pine. I wanted this night to be more than just a romantic gesture; I wanted it to be a testament to the depth of my feelings for August.

When she entered the room, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight before her. The table was adorned with flickering candles, casting a warm glow on the rustic wooden surface. Soft music played in the background, the melody wrapping around us like a tender embrace.

"Wow," August breathed, her gaze moving from the table to meet mine. "Ethan, this is... incredible." A mixture of relief and joy washed over me. Her appreciation was like a balm to my anxious heart. "If you think so," I said, my voice sincere. "I wanted tonight to be special."

As we sat down at the table, the conversation flowed effortlessly. This felt different from our usual interactions, like we were shedding the masks we wore in the outside world. It was an opportunity to understand each other on a deeper level. "Let's pretend."

"Pretend what?", I asked, curiosity lingered in my voice. "Let's pretend that we're here in a blind date and we're getting to know each other for the first time.", I raised my eyebrow, ready to spat out a sarcastic note and as if she read my mind, "No grudge against each other included, that is, no mischief."

August's proposal intrigued me, and I was more than willing to play along. "Alright, a blind date it is," I replied, the hint of a playful smile dancing at the corner of my lips. I was genuinely curious about what she would reveal in this new context.

We began again, as if we were meeting for the first time. "So, tell me, Ethan," she started with a playful glint in her eyes, "what's your idea of a perfect day?"

I leaned back in my chair, considering the question as if I hadn't known her for years. "A perfect day... I'd say it starts with a leisurely breakfast, then maybe a hike in the woods or a day at the beach. Just enjoying the beauty of nature."

August nodded, looking genuinely interested. "That sounds lovely. I'm a fan of nature too. And then?"

"Then," I continued, "maybe we'd have a picnic, or I'd cook a nice dinner. Something special, like tonight." I winked to emphasize the playful atmosphere of our 'blind date.'

She laughed softly, her eyes sparkling. "That does sound perfect."

We continued our 'blind date' conversation, discussing our interests, hobbies, and even our ideal travel destinations. It was a delightful experience, one that allowed us to understand each other without the usual teasing and competition. I found myself enjoying her company more and more with each passing moment.

As the evening wore on, we seemed to grow more relaxed, and I realised this wasn't just about pretending. It was a chance for us to be genuine with each other, to share our thoughts and feelings openly. August's proposal had created an environment of trust and connection, something I valued deeply.

"August," I said, the name carrying a weight of unspoken emotions. We were in the midst of a conversation, discussing our aspirations, our fears, and the dreams that danced in the corners of our minds. Her words were a symphony of vulnerability and strength, and as I listened, a part of me longed to share my own innermost thoughts, to reveal the scars that had shaped the person I had become.

And yet, as I sat there, gazing into the depths of her eyes, I couldn't help but wonder if she might be the exception, the one who could rewrite the narrative, and teach me to believe in the authenticity of love once more. Her presence was a balm to the wounds of the past, a glimmer of hope in the darkness that had threatened to consume me. The way she looked at me, with a sincerity that echoed through every word and gesture, stirred something within me, a longing for connection that I had almost forgotten existed. It was a fragile ember, flickering to life amidst the ashes of my guarded heart, and in that moment, I made a silent promise to myself to tread this path with an open heart, to let her in, and to see where this newfound connection might lead us.

The night continued, filled with laughter and meaningful conversation, and I couldn't help but wonder if this was a glimpse into a future where we were more than just acquaintances. It was a future I found myself hoping for, where we could be ourselves without pretence, a future that held the promise of love and authenticity.

Maybe, just maybe, this connection wasn't merely a byproduct of my loneliness. It felt like something more profound, something that transcended the boundaries of casual acquaintance.

It wasn't because of her wealth or her striking beauty, although those were undeniable traits. It was because she was August—rebellious, playful, yet remarkably considerate and a perfectionist in her own way. Her care flowed through her every action, an undercurrent of kindness that defined her character, and it was this unique blend of qualities that had captured my heart.

At that moment, I had to admit it to myself—I couldn't ignore the fact that something special was brewing between us. It wasn't just a passing thing; it felt like we were onto something real, something that could mean a lot more. August, with her free spirit and caring heart, was slowly becoming someone I couldn't imagine my days without.

The whole idea of being with her, of this 'us' evolving into something deeper, no longer sent shivers down my spine. Instead, it stirred up a kind of bravery in me. I made a pact with myself right there - no backing down, no letting fear be the boss. I was going to lean into this affection, let it grow and see where it took us. It was a promise to not just say 'I love you', but to live it out loud, to let it shape our story.

All I can say for now is,

I really, really like August.

Yeah, she's someone very special.

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