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Ethan's POV
day three

The late night stargazing and the physical exertion of our hike led us to snore the morning away. It was the afternoon birdsong that finally roused me from my slumber. After a quick shower, I found myself drawn to August's room.

She lay there, sleeping with the serenity of a child. I settled beside her on the floor, my fingers gently tracing the curve of her cheek. It was a moment of quiet tenderness, a chance to appreciate the vulnerability that sleep brought out in all of us.

As I watched her, a wave of affection washed over me. It wasn't just the physical attraction, though that was undeniable. It was the way her presence seemed to fill the room with a warmth that chased away any lingering shadows. It was the way her laughter echoed in my memory, a melody that I found myself craving more and more.

In that quiet room, I allowed myself to imagine a future. It was a fragile daydream, one that I held close to my heart. I envisioned moments like this, where we could simply be, where our souls could intertwine in the simplest acts of care and affection.

I leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her temple. It was a silent promise, a pledge to guard the vulnerability that she unknowingly revealed in her sleep. I wanted to be the one to protect those tender moments, to cherish them like the rarest of treasures.

As I sat there, immersed in this quiet sanctuary, I heard a soft stir from the bed. August, with her eyes still heavy with sleep, greeted me with a smile that could rival the morning sun.

"Good morning, Ethan," she murmured, her voice a gentle melody.

"Good morning, August," I replied, my heart skipping a beat at the sight of her. The vulnerability of sleep still clung to her, and it was a privilege to witness.

She leaned in, wrapping her arms around me in a hug that felt like a promise of a beautiful day ahead. The embrace was warm, filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes.

After our moment, August headed off to freshen up, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The prospect of creating a hearty lunch for us both sounded like a delightful challenge. I set to work in the kitchen, pots and pans clinking in a cheerful rhythm. As the aroma of a sumptuous meal filled the cabin, August returned, her presence infusing the room with renewed energy.

"You've been busy," she remarked, a playful glint in her eye. "Well, someone has to keep us from turning into mountain-famished creatures," I teased, a smile tugging at my lips. August chuckled, taking a seat at the kitchen counter. "I have full confidence in your culinary skills, Chef Ethan."

"Ah, a woman of discerning taste, I see," I said, winking as I plated our meal.

We sat down to eat, the hearty fare a perfect complement to our hunger. Conversation flowed easily, a dance of words that seemed to come naturally in each other's company.

"Did you dream of conquering mountains?" I asked, a playful twinkle in my eye.

August laughed, a sound that filled the room with its infectious warmth. "Well, maybe not mountains, but I did have an adventure or two in dreamland."

"Anyway", August jumped up on the counter, "I am starving. What's for lunch?" That pout on her lips looked so kissable. I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her, perched on the counter, looking both adorable and hungry. "You, my dear, are in for a treat. Today, we have a feast fit for the champions of the mountains."

I served up the steaming plates, each one a symphony of flavours and colours. "Presenting the grand lunchtime spectacle," I announced with mock grandiosity.

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