Chapter 7: An Invitation

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After arriving from the trip, Esla and I headed back to the castle. Esla kept looking at me like I was hiding something. She insisted on staying one more day.

We sat in the dining room. The rain eventually stopped while we all ate.

My father, however, barely ate. It seems we all have something bothering us today.

"Kazia, how did it go?" My father asked.

"Well." I kept eating after I answered as nonchalantly as possible.

He eyed me cautiously, trying to decipher my response before Esla spoke, "Kazia looked like she was having fun looking around the cave. She is probably tired."

"And how did they find a crystal?" My mother asked.

"That took a while. The crystal was giving trouble as it wouldn't budge. Which is to be expected as they are practically strangers." Esla smiled.

I nodded as I looked at Esla.

Thank you.

~ At night ~
As soon as we got to my room, I went to what had become my thinking chair by the window while Esla sat on my bed.

She wasted no time in questioning me, "Okay, what actually happened?."

I looked away, thinking about what to say. He told me not to say anything, but Esla helped me out with my parents, she already knows something is up.

With a deep exhale, I began to tell her everything that happened minus the small argument we had.

She beamed, "I knew it. My suspicion was true...."

"And why are you happy?!" I paused, "What will happen when my parents find out? This is too much for me, I'm still processing certain things and now I have to add a 'supernatural bond' with someone I don't know."

"Calm down, your parents are too busy with other matters right now, plus they totally believed what I told them so that will buy you some time."

I sighed, "This whole magical soulmate or whatever won't work, we really don't like each other."

"Well, I know he's not exactly sweet but he can't be that bad. He has been waiting for his Fragment, you,  for a while. Maybe you'll melt his cold heart."

"Haha. Funny," I spoke dryly. "We can't stand each other. Also, please don't tell anyone about this, we agreed to keep it a secret for now."

"But what about the festival?"

"I guess I won't go." I shrugged.

"You both have to place the crystal together."

"Then... I don't know!" I sank down on my seat in defeat.

"It's okay. We still have a few months before the festival to figure something out." she reassured me.

I exhaled, "You're right."

~ A week later ~

Esla and I decided to take a walk around the gardens as spring began to approach and the temperature became tolerable enough for me.

We sat under a gazebo at the garden.

My birthday was celebrated a few days ago. It was a very small celebration, just my parents, aunt Jane, uncle Philip, and Esla.

I miss aunt Lily and the cottage....

"Kazia, eat some cookies before they get cold." Esla interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh right." I tried the cookie. "Wow, these are really good today," I said in a muffled voice as I ate the cookie.

Esla laughed at me as I ate a few more cookies, "Leave some for me too!" She took the plate.

Before I could speak again, I noticed Grace walking our way with another maid who held a big bouquet.

"Good morning." Grace greeted Esla and I as she handed me a letter,  "Princess Kazia, this is for you."

"A letter for me?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes. There is also one more thing that came with the letter." After Grace said that, the maid next to her spoke, "Would you like to have the flowers taken to your room?"

I looked at Esla in confusion and then at the maid and Grace, "Um no, leave them here. Thank you."

After leaving everything, they both left.

"Who would write to me and much less, send these weird flowers? I'm not really 'known' around here."

Esla smiled, "Well, these flowers are from Sapphinetia. So," she trailed off as she looked at the letter, "Read it."

"You seem more excited than me to know what is in the letter." I spoke as I opened the letter.

I automatically frowned as soon as I saw who it was from, "It's from Prince Donovan."

Esla got closer in intrigue as I read the letter in silence.

When I finished reading, I placed it on the table and sunk in my chair.

"What did he say?"

"He apologized for his attitude towards me and wants me to go accompany him tomorrow on his way back to Sapphinetia as the King and Queen wish to show me around the kingdom. He assured me that they still don't about our situation and that he wants us to talk to get to know each other and figure this out." I sighed.

"He apologized and wants to get to know you better. That is progress." She spoke while examining my face.

"He's planning something. I might not know him, but I can feel something is up." I crossed my arms. "Besides, I have to ask if I can even go. My parents do not seem to be too pleased with his father."

"If you do go, enjoy your visit to Sapphinetia, it's beautiful. It's only a 5 hour trip," Esla smiled in a 'don't freak out' kind of way.

"5 hours?!"

"It's a neighboring kingdom, not that far away. Besides, it could be fun and the perfect opportunity for both of you to talk." She nodded.

"Yes, because I really enjoy the conversations I've had with him." I fake smiled.

"Let's see if his words hold true now. Perhaps your conversations will improve now." Esla encouraged.

~ Evening ~
The sun had begun to set, and Esla headed back to her home.

I sat in the dining room with my parents as we ate dinner.

I cleared my throat before speaking, "So, I got an invitation to visit Sapphinetia. The King and Queen would like for me to go. Prince Donovan wrote and asked if I could join him tomorrow on his way back."

My father stopped eating, "It would do you good familiarizing yourself with the Alpíns. Our families are very close, but be careful of everything you say around them. Be very cautious."

Why is he agreeing just like that? Did he fully believe what Esla said?

Mother looked slightly worried, "I will be accompanying you."

Father nodded, "Good."


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