Chapter 5: The Dinner

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A day had passed. 

I sat in the living room, reading one of my books, as I waited for the tea to be done and for Esla to arrive.

Mother stood next to the sofa I was sitting at, "Oh Kazia. Tea should be ready now, and well, Esla should be here any minute now. She's a bit late."

"I'm here! Good afternoon, aunt Elyra!" Esla rushed in.

"Oh! just in time, Esla." my mother stated.

As my mother began to walk, Esla and I trailed behind. "Are you okay?" I laughed.

"I woke up a bit late, so I ran inside as soon as the carriage stopped. Do not laugh." She whispered as she fixed her hair.

I softly laughed.

~ After tea ~
Before leaving, mother explained that we would have guests over for dinner to discuss a festival that was coming up. It was just me and Esla now.

"So what is the festival about?" I asked.

"The Crystal Festival is an annual celebration. Before the festival, you have to visit the Flowing Light cave to find your crystal. However, you must go with someone you have a connection with. Going with someone without any connection would not work. When you go with the correct person, your crystal will glow uniquely, indicating it's the one." She explained.

"Do you have to take a crystal with the same person each time?" I asked.

"Well, no. Once you take a crystal with someone, that is yours forever. It represents that unique bond you both share. People break the crystal in half after the festival to keep for memories and to use for the future festivals." She continued. "The cave regenerates the crystals when it senses new bonds."

I quietly nodded in acknowledgement. I feel overwhelmed again. Sometimes I felt like I was living in a storybook. My mind is filled with so many questions most of the time.

We chatted for a bit after she explained how her parents were excited to see me again tonight.

"Ah, just remembered I've got something to do. See you later tonight okay!" She hurried away.

Feeling a bit tired, I retreated to my room.

A nap seemed like the perfect remedy right now.

~ Evening ~
I jolted awake as I felt someone shake me.

"You are late!" Grace scolded me.

I ran to the bathroom and quickly got ready.

My dress rustled as I hastily moved through the halls. Why do these dresses have to be so heavy?

Grace accompanied me to the dining room, "Everyone is already there. Just greet them and take a seat." She instructed me.

I power walked over there as I couldn't run, Grace had given me a lecture on that previously, and even if I wanted to I would not be able to with this dress.

Anyways, I am just a few minutes late and It's just a family dinner, it's alright.

Once I got inside, I automatically curtsied, "Good evening, my apologies for being late."

"Take a seat." My father spoke.

I turned to sit next to Esla before noticing that that the Alpíns were here.

Oh this is going to be awkward, I can feel it.

The King and Queen of Sapphinetia greeted me. King Sebastien looked very outgoing while Queen Faustina was a bit more reserved, but seemed nice.

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