first meet

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Mom : Pat, after you done with this table can you go to the market for me ?

yeah, sure!!

Mom : How's at school dear ?

It's going well, I'm hanging out with my same old gang, Korn, Mo and Chang.

Mom : you've been with them since first grade, aren't you guys tired of each other ?!!

Pa : well, he wouldn't have anyone to hangout with, even if he wanted to.

( she said this while still looking at his book ) and then i slapped her head and she shouted loudly.

Mom : hey let me tell you something,
Who we hangout with is not all about our looks, you know?

Pa : it's good that i take after you, if i looked like dad, like Pat does, I'd never have a boyfriend.

Then i slapped her again and she start to hit me with her book. then mom stopped us from fighting.

Mom : enough you two. You are too old to fight. the two of you should stop. And Pa don't talk like that about your father. And Pat you go to the market, go now.

i rushed out from the house and started to walk towards market, i saw one ice-cream stall so, i bought my self one ice-cream and started to eat it, i were eating it and my whole mouth were messy. i were enjoying eating ice-cream when something fall from the tree infront of me, i mean one boy jumped from the tree infront of me and i got scared and took two step behind. and that guy looked up and he were the same guy whom i saw that day on street, he is really handsome and then i saw that, he is holding a baby cat and some mangos too and then he forward that mangos towards me and said,
Do you want some mangos ?
I hesitantly forward my hand and took those mangos and then he went towards onother tree were the big cat were sitting, he went there and put that baby cat near to that big cat, and i feel so overwhelmed and i started to smiling crazily. i were so happy that he gave me those mangos i mean i felt so special until, he were going back then he saw onother girl and asked same to that girl too, then i realized that, he didn't gave it to me personally he just don't want those mangos so he just gave to me !! Wow !! Then i also started to went towards market.

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