Pran ♡

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In school

Pat's pov :
We all are sitting on the last bench,
Me with Korn and Mo and chang were on opposite bench.

Teacher were teaching us, and i were so bored but still i am trying to concentrate then Mo passed diary in my bench, it's our personal diary between me, Mo, Korn and Chang. We keep our secret in it and we mostly talk through this diary during ongoing lectures. It's written that :
His name is Pran.
actually we are talking about that street boy, i mean when i saw him, i want to know about him, right now we are also talking about him !
he's senior, he has a quite bad reputation. i read that, which are written by Mo and Chnag. Then i also write,
Maybe it's just rumors.
I passed diary to them and they write something and give it to me again
Two girls left school because of him.
I don't know why but i feel like it's all are just rumors so i replied,
Its must be just rumors.
And then i heard teacher shouted Mo's name and tell him to be quite so after that we stopped talking.

After a while i asked permission for going to washroom, and teacher gave me permission and then i hurrely went towards 12th students class, cause i want to see him. 12th students class is next floor than our, i went there running and i stopped running before his class and started to walking silently and then i glanced towards his class and i saw him, he were playing with his phone in class !! i smiled and walked towards washroom.

When i were returning towards my class i saw him outside of class. he is getting punishment i guess, cause he is standing on his one leg and with big scale in his mouth. when i were passing from there, i saw him putting his earphones in his ears and he signaled me to be quite. and i passed from there and i turned my head and saw him doing weird dance and i smiled and went back to my class.

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