:) smile

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Pran's pov :
Hi everyone my name is Pran, i am in 12th and about my family?!! My dad runs small shop and my mom is housewife. i'm quiet popular in my school because i am handsome. And i am good soccer player. i have good reputation in school but some peoples keep spreading fake news about me but i really don't give a fuck to it.

right now we are in cantin and i saw that, two boys were trying to bully some juniors, and they want to take advantage of them, so i went there and helped them, i asked for four pepsi and gave it to the juniors, and i saw that, that puppy faced boy first hesitate to take it but after that he took it and said thank you to me, i know him. i mean he is my junior and his name is Pat. i saw him many times, he always try to sneak around me, i try to act like i don't know that he is stalking me, now i saw him in problem so idk why i just want to help him, i usually don't interfere in others problems but idk why i helped him.

evening time,

I packed my bag and started to went towards schools gate, then i felt someone's hand on my shoulder and he forcefully made me face toward him, and that guy is no other than Jack whom i helped for Pat, amd out of sudden he punched me hard on my face. And because of that sudden hard punch my mouth started to bleed, i wiped it with my hand,

So you want to be hero like your dad?
he was a loser, Did you guys know that he missed the penalty kick and cost us the National Championship?
It took ages to maks it to the national championship, Jack said while mocking me,

That's enough i can't take it anymore, and i punched him hard and he landed on the back wall and he was about to punch me but this time i stopped him and punched him more hardly, we started to punch each other, he pushed me on the ground and started to kick me but I pulled him on the ground and sat on his stomach and started to punch his face mercilessly, at that time one of our classmate come between us and stopped me from punching him.

Other side,

omg i can't believe he took stand for me
and my gang, i mean i am just way too much happy, rn we are going back to my our house, Korn is driving bike and i am at back holding my Pepsi, yes i still haven't drink it, I'm gonna keep this with me forever. i were in deep thoughts when Mo and Chang shouted from behind while coming toward our direction with full speed,

Pat, aii pat, Pran and that jack is having big fight on backside of our school.

Korn stopped the bike and Chang also stopped his bike next to us and Mo said,
I heard they are having big fight.

I get off from the bike and started to run towards school and then Mo shouted loudly,

Ai Pattttt, you dumbass we have bike why are you running,

I stopped and started to run towards bike and tell Korn to take me back to the school.

We reached at school and i directly start to run towards school's back side of ground, but it was empty, but then i noticed something on ground, that's one button of someone's shirt, which is half covered in blood, i carefully took it and and we went back to our house.

I cleaned that button and made small smile on that and kept into my box and slept while thinking about Pran.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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