Chapter 1- concert

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(Ruby's P.O.V)

"Wow mum you said we'd got good seats but I didn't expect them to be this good!"

Mum smiled.

"It's your birthday, you deserve a treat!" I couldn't get my head round the fact that my mum had actually taken me to a one direction concert. It had cost a fortune to get to London not to mention the 1D tickets and the hotel room. I had been so jealous of my friends getting tickets and I was getting sick of them going on and on about it. I was never going to forget this birthday unless..... I got amnesia again.

One Hour Later

The music was great, the boys looked great, everything was perfect. I looked at Zayn. Right into his brown, chocolatey eyes and ... he looked back. I couldn't believe it. Zayn Malik actually looked at me, he was now aware of my existence on planet earth. It was weird for the next few seconds. Zayn stopped singing. He was just mouthing the words and he was walking towards the front of the stage. The cheers started to die down. The other boys looked worried. I could tell the entire audience were getting a bit tense. When the song finished Zayn reluctantly went off stage to get ready for the next few songs.

He seemed back to normal afterwards but you could see the other boys glancing over at him every four seconds. Maybe he'd seen the really pretty girl behind me. Maybe he'd seen a friend he hadn't expected to come. Maybe he was just a bit ill and being over dramatic about it.

By the end of the concert my voice had almost gone from screaming and singing along too much. I went on a little quest to find Ceira, my friend who had been sitting a few rows back. She spotted me before I spotted her. I heard a loud shout.

"Ruby!" I swivelled round to see an exited yet rather tired looking Ceira. My mother had already gone back to the hotel and was planning on letting me find my way back (not that I'll ever be able to find my way round London). I guessed she wouldn't notice if I was late back so I ran over to Ceira and we jumped up and down discussing Niall's solo. Ceira suddenly stood still and her mouth was wide open in shock. I looked behind me and saw...Zayn Malik looking right at me.

"Congratulations," he said "You and your friend here are the lucky winners," Me and Ceira exchanged confused yet giddy looks. After fifteen seconds of giddiness Ceira said in a low voice (which was obviously supposed to sound attractive)

"So....Zayn,What have we won?" Zayn smiled

"You get to interview us backstage,"

Me and Ceira screamed. A lot.

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